Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

Lol I’m exactly the same. That was the first I’ve bothered clicking on. Didn’t realise it was half baked newsmax quality production.


Mariupol still not fallen apparently.

Horse denazifier… Ivanmectin?


if he denazifies, he denazifies

wonder per capita comparison with US rightwing crazies and their trip to rule.

Yeah this is a real possibility

no, don’t give them any clicks. you are in a much better place if you never encounter those douchebags.

So putting all the possible ifs together, the Ukrainians came out with that missile system just recently so it probably didn’t have a lot of testing. They only had one battery of missiles (that’s publicly known), that somehow has survived over a month of a Russian invasion. The Ukrainians wait until there’s a storm, which I imagine has got to fuck up their odds of even getting the missle there. They then either distract the boat with a drone or the drone’s directing the missiles. In either case they manage to sink the most powerful boat in the Black Sea and one of the most powerful boats in the Russian navy.

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ukraine is legend … wait for it…. darry!

Well, that or someone tossed their cigarette in the wrong bin.

I really like the comment that Olink made that for the last 70 years it has been in both US and Russian interests to overemphasize the strength and ability of the Russian military.

Like Russia was ranked no. 2 preseason and now they’re 4-0, but they have a checkered past and their toughest opponents have been East Jesus State and an above average community college. So they kinda swagger into Appalachia State and their scouting is a few years out of date. That’s why they play the game.

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I think it’s just another data point on the shift we’ve seen with the tanks.

Smart missiles with modern digital tech >>>>>>>>>>>>> defences and armor

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This is way overstated. Russia would have won a conventional war in Europe, hands down, any time before the 80s.


When the Soviet Union broke up and the West got a good look at their capabilities almost everyone agreed they would have won a conventional war in Europe. However since then Russia and its army have been in decline especially compared to the West and ‘defensive’ weapons have improved a lot more than offensive ones which really shows in this conflict.


and keep in mind the Moskva is a 45-year-old boat with probably 30-year-old radar. The only reason it lasted this long into the invasion is how far out in the water it was.

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the swag levels are off the charts