Podcast Thread

oh and equally shocking developments from shitlibs,

I actually listened to this one up to the point where Pfeiffer was basically “none of this would be a problem if Obama were in charge and me and the gang were back”

The dudes who used to do the Story Break podcast have a D&D podcast called Dungeons & Daddies that I’ve been binging. Good if you liked Story Break or general funny nerd stuff.

Let’s see if this is any good.

The 5-4 episode on the 9th amendment made me realize how well embedded the conservative project is where “if you want that right you need to pass an amendment” is firmly embedded as the only way that rights can be added in America

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This is a uniquely American thing too. The idea the constitution names all possible rights doesn’t exist in any other country. Nearly every other constitution assumes it’s simply a framework that accepts many rights are not explicitly listed and that most rights can’t be explicitly protected by law but are assumed nonetheless. The US assumes If specific laws or government can’t provide the right it doesn’t exist. This is the dumbest way possible to create a constitution.

That’s not actually how the Constitution works works, though! It says so explicitly in the 10th Amendment.

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It’s treated that way by your legal system and SCOTUS though. The Ezra Klein show just has a whole show about it.

Not to mention that almost all world constitutions are regularly revised and we havent had a revision in nearly 250 years

Feel like a Well Actually Guy here, but the last Amendment was just 30 years ago.

Amendments arent full revisions to me. Most countries do a full scale rewrite at some point

Heres a pretty good resource


Not to mention that countries like Canada are sensible enough to put a “but not if it’s obviously stupid” clause in their equivalent of the Bill of Rights. This is just like health care, American narcissism just prevents them from looking at what other countries do obviously better and doing that, they truly believe it can’t possibly be better because America Is The Greatest Country In The World.


What is weird about America to me is the delegation of various political battles to constitutional law. Australian citizens have many fewer entrenched “rights” than Americans, but constitutional rights are a blunt instrument that can be misused. One minute you’re like “it would be cool if everyone can speak their mind without fear of reprisal” and next minute judges are like “corporations are people and also donating money counts as speech so now corporations can give $inf to political campaigns and it’s illegal to do anything about this” and you’re like oh shit, we got owned.

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It’s amazing how I was tricked by the same propaganda my whole life, even as a Canadian. 20 years ago I would have argued the US constitution and political system was the best and all you had to do was look at the 20th century success of the country to see it. Now it’s clear it’s among the most poorly designed systems in the industrialized world and the US has been the beneficiary of 100 years of long tail luck. Their success has been in spite of a terrible political and economic framework, not be because of it.

The whole US constitution is kind of built on a contradiction, the “core” constitution excluding the amendments is basically 100% limits on the government. Then the amendments come in to give people positive rights. It’s just transparently obvious that what happened is that the powerful Americans didn’t want to follow rules imposed by European kings, so you get the declaration that it’s self evident that all men (some exceptions apply, sorry black people) are created equal and a constitution that protects powerful white people from the government, then whoopsie actually we also want to be guaranteed to freedom to do these other things so here’s a set of amendments that guarantee that powerful white people can complain to the manager and do what they want to do. The country was founded by the Founding Karens, not the Founding Fathers.

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It’s also uniquely American to hold so close the idea that a bunch of dudes, who lived before electricity was understood, perfectly framed how a country should work for all time.


If you’re a IASIP fan, The Always Sunny podcast is a must.

It’s so poorly prepared but Rob, Charlie, and Glenn have such great chemistry that I still love it.

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Counterpoint - it’s actually good!

recipe from here, minus the peas:

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it’s just okay. fresh pasta over podcast noodles 10 times out of 10.


given what we’ve seen from russia’s trucks and tanks and stuff, starting to look like we might catch a runner runner here