Podcast Thread

I’m pretty confident they can find enough nukes out of their 6,500 or whatever to end humanity

Adam Johnson has I think a real gift for putting into words ideas that have been vaguely unsettling to me for a while. Enjoying this bit on the “American Project” in which Geronimo and Muhammad Ali are retconned into being part of the American Experience. I see you West Wing guys mean well, but no.


PSA: A new Hardcore History by Dan Carlin just dropped!

“Human Resources” - a 5+ hour podcast about the Atlantic Slave Trade

…A+ title


I don’t know who Jane whoever is.

Did the Chapo event. Matt was pretty down in the cups. Started the show pretty buzzed. Finished three beers and whatever was in a Solo cup while the show was going on. Slurring his words as I left.

At the risk of derailing…how is Chapo handling the Russian invasion? That they always seemed eager to associate Ukraine with Nazis alongside “even if some of the claims about Xinjiang are true eye roll” was a big reason I stopped listening.

They didn’t talk about it all at the event. It was Matt’s trip to Daley Plaza, Part 3 of W H Bush series, and then a skit about a movie about two right wing uncles who turn their nephew who’s been grown in a ultra liberal environment into a real man.

The last show they did they did talk about it but they didn’t even really cover the geopolitical aspects of it, really just the liberals and neo cons are blood thirsty, America doesn’t have room to talk, with the usual perfunctory it’s bad that Putin’s invading. I thought it was a big meh. Can’t really get angry at it or like it.


Not well apparently.

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Chapo should really close up shop. They’re all living long-distance now and don’t really have the chemistry they used to.

It’s been a while since they had a funny show. When they aren’t dunking on right-wing journalists, it’s really simple-minded foreign policy takes with no nuance at all.

They haven’t been the same since Bernie lost the primary to Joe Biden. Maybe they can go back to mocking Rod Dreher or something.

Why would you get a real job if you didn’t have to?

Same could be said of this forum



2020 realty felt like the tipping point for a lot of things. None of them good.

This is what I said when I was listening to it



Belated April Fool’s joke? The producer’s name sounds fake

I thought it was Ezra, but I stopped listening to the episode because I thought he was being overly performative and emotive about sanctions and his questions were worse than usual. I guess he’s like a budget version of Ezra.

Is anyone listening to the American Hostage podcast? Here’s the description:

Based on a true story, American Hostage stars Jon Hamm as Fred Heckman, a beloved local radio reporter who is thrust into the middle of a life-or-death crisis when hostage-taker, Tony Kiritsis, demands to be interviewed on his popular radio news program. Kiritsis has tied a shotgun to his banker’s neck in grim fashion, but through Heckman’s radio show he gradually becomes a media sensation and unexpected anti-hero during a nail biting 63-hour standoff.

I’m through 6 of the 8 episodes so far and can’t decide if I like it. It’s a scripted radio show, which I wasn’t expecting. Interesting story, but every time I hear Jon Hamm’s distinctive voice, I’m like, “This is Jon Hamm and it’s 2022, not some random Indianapolis reporter in the late 1970s.” Anyway, I’m actively avoiding doing any research to see how this ended and I’m definitely going to listen to the last 2 episodes.

I love Michael Lewis. I love his books and I love listening to him talk. I recently listened to two podcasts he was on:

  • Smartless, with Jason Bateman, Will Arnett, and Sean Hayes. This is a great podcast in general - highly recommended.
  • The Dishcast with Andrew Sullivan. I have literally never listened to this podcast, except for the episode with Michael Lewis.

Both interviews were primarily about his COVID book (Premonition, which is very good). But what made these two episodes stand out to me is that Lewis discussed the death of his daughter, who died in a car accident at age 19. Really touching conversation about grief in both cases.

I thought the Sullivan episode was good for a different reason, too. I’ve heard Lewis interviewed a bunch. He’s a great conversationalist, and interviewers often just let him talk and talk and talk without interrupting. That’s fine because, again, he’s a great conversationalist. But if you listen to these interviews, you tend to hear the same stories over and over again. (This is very much like listening to Warren Buffett interviews over time.) What was interesting about Sullivan’s interview is that Sullivan was very active, and was pushing Lewis on a lot of his statements. (They have a very long relationship.) And the outcome was very cool, because Lewis had to respond to these comments in a way that he doesn’t normally have to.

Both worth listening to if you like Michael Lewis. And Smartless is worth listening to all the time.


I usually watch Lewis interviews and like his work and have the same impressions as you. His wife Tabatha Soren was my crush. Death of his daughter is tragic.

I went from paying for Sullivan’s daily dish blog in like 2008 to completely banning him from my life. I now see his as a nonscience stoner soft catholic gay guy with racist inclinations, but I may listen to this podcast for the reasons you mention.

Elite 5-4 episode.

latest ezra klein episode was pretty good, talking about how democrats absolutely suck at messaging

plus bonus shoutout to former 2+2 noted poker authority at the end in the book recommendations

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