Podcast Thread

I think it’s a fair assumption that declining to join the rebel militias would have put him and his family in danger, which seems to be basically the same thing as saying he’s at risk of being persecuted (killed) because of his political belief (“no I will not fight for you”)

Having now finished all 8 episodes of American Hostage, it is definitely not worth the time.

Hoo boy our old friend Haralabob was in RARE form on Bill Simmons’ podcast on Tuesday.

I don’t have a strong opinion on him, but I know lots of people think he’s a condescending douchebag.

Talking about great NBA playoff bets won: “I’m most proud of Warriors over Mavs in '07. It was like 13:1! Plus it was a 7-figure score, which was a lot to me at the time.”

And talking about playing poker with “crazy Asians doing drugs. You just have to wait for them to go to the bathroom and do some blow, come back to the table, and THEN it was time to gamble.”

Are we talking bucket-seat deep?

He’s been increasingly more douchey since he got billionaire yacht rich off crypto.

“Deep-seated” is right.

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The misuse of this phrase is deep-seeded, imo.

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Matt and Shane’s Secret Podcast did a four part episode with Louis C.K. discussing American presidents. Both hilarious and informative.

god is riverman in this thread? this might send him over the edge, got this in my daily USPS “informed delivery” email

This weeks Fresh Air is all about Tucker and it’s pretty scary.

Valley Heat had me dying at work today. I’m only 1 episode in but it’s gold.

cannot believe ezra klein gave this disingenous shitbag a platform, dude is literally “DEMONRATS talk about a RAINBOW COALITION, they’re INJECTING RACE, they’re the REAL RACISTS” and literally tried to argue that mass incarceration is good because life expectancy for black men increased.

other things this guy said without any pushback from ezra:

“democrats are trying a ‘starve the beast’ strategy on prosecution with disasterous effect” (zero examples offered and no pushback AT ALL)

“there are GANGS in prisons IN CALIFORNIA” as if this is somehow uniquely a california problem


idk some “manhattan institute” ghoul

Reihan Salam. Saw the description and insta-deleted.

Had never heard of this, read your post, and listened to the first episode. What in the everloving fuck was this?

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Jan Robinson is going places. Pool Guy Paul is a GOAT character.

I assume Starburns audio means its by Dan Harmon?

I am coming to the end of Revolutions. Satisfyingly, I managed to listen to 10 seasons and a million eps and get to the end right in time to catch the last few as they’re released.

Anyone got any other modern history podcasts? I’m not particularly interested in ancient history. I think Duncan is a pretty good host so I might listen to History of Rome at some point but I’d like to give something else a go first. I know about hardcore history ofc.

Also current with Revolutions. Tides of History is quite good but a little overproduced, leans more ancient and medieval. Historiansplaining is pretty good. Know your enemy is good on the intellectual history of conservatism.

I’ve also found an Audible sub is good for history content.