PocketChads For Mod!

Wholeheartedly endorse PocketChads for mod

His temperament? PC is like the absolute chillest person on this site. I donā€™t know that Iā€™ve ever seen him post something angry, even when heā€™s posting videos of police abusing his friends.


Maybe that is the episode that has clouded my judgment. Based upon your post (and others) I just changed my vote to Yes.

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I wholeheartedly agree with PC for mod, but this seems to be a relevant detail of his post to volunteer:

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Seems relevant to that one as well, feel free to repost it there as well if you like.

Public poll here is also fucked up.


You mean that the polls should be anonymous?



Doesnā€™t seem like a huge deal either way to me. Why anonymous?

This seems like a real no-brainer at this point. Are we waiting for something?

I think it would be most proper to ratify the RFC process, and then use that to establish a system by which mods are selected, elected inspected, detected, injected and subjected to terms and potentially term limits. As much as it is obvious that PocketChads has essentially unanimous community support and trust in his judgment, I think that establishing a system is better than just nominating people out of the blue, particularly to people I may think are even equally qualified and reasonable but who I did not nominate and may wonder why that is. Thatā€™s on me, but I want to do better.


I donā€™t have a strong preference, but I think giving the process until maybe the 20th when there will be another mod opening would be fine, especially if PC doesnā€™t object.

That is a pretty fast timeline, all things considered. We got about 5 days until the internal RFC vote closes, and then another week long vote for ratification. Although I do expect hammering out and eventually ratifying a mod rule would take at least two weeks given the desire to leave votes open long enough for everyone to participate, I suppose we could start an RFC thread now for mod election and re-election that would conform to the process that we expect to be ratified even before the RFC process is ratified to speed things up. Do you think that is reasonable, and if so, would you be interested in at least posting the OP? I think I and others would like to see other people spearheading sitewide rule stuff.

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Canā€™t do that, but I can try to continue admonishing people for a while.

Wookie, Iā€™m happy to post any OP, but I have not paid enough attention to really compose it. I may need some help either in another thread or via PM. In general, after seeing so many difficulties in OPs that became clear pretty quickly, I think itā€™s good to workshop important OPs a bit anyway.