About Moderation (old original thread)

So I was out the last few days. took a mini vacation.

Largely caught up, I guess, but where do we stand on these things:

  1. Pocketchads as mod (I think it’s been a week?)
  2. Binding poll resolutions
  3. This thread being at 1 post/hour

Isn’t the “proposed” vote sequence:

  • RFC thread/vote on RFC process (vote under way, open for six more days?)
  • Binding vote on RFC process (open for seven days)
  • RFC thread/vote on mod selection/terms/etc. (open for three days)
  • Binding vote on mod selection/terms/etc. (open for seven days)
  • Mod selection thread(s)/vote(s) (open for seven days)

So, if all of this is correct, if we follow this, and if all of this is done in “sequence”, it will be a month before any new mod could be elected.

Perhaps we could do some of those steps “in parallel”. Perhaps PocketChads could “replace” microbet when microbet steps down (which he plans to do when his term is up).

eta: I am 100% in favor of making PocketChads a mod as soon as makes sense.

eta2: JFC – did I skip a step/vote in actually voting for bringing the mod stuff to a binding vote??

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You need a cloture vote and a vote to suspend the rules in there.

is this a joke or is this real

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Agreeing on how to make rules before making changes seems pretty slamdunk to me but not the end of the world if there is a new mod whom has a high acceptance.

@jmakin Cliffs:

No joke

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I mean, that’s fine, if that’s what the people want. I’m assuming these events will not be super common. But maybe we can have some kind of way to expedite things in the case of emergency.

Like say I step down tomorrow. You really gonna take a month+ to decide on a replacement?

I think we should give mods the power to decide on interim appointments to critical positions.

I don’t think Forum Admin is an elected position the way mods are. Put another way, I don’t think the RFC process applies to Admin.

We can play all kinds of games with mods. Admin is somewhat serious business and the over/under on people willing to do it is 1 or 2.

You’re not wrong - but I’d never leave this place in the lurch without a replacement.

Was just posing a hypothetical. I’m a little bit surprised at how long this is taking, but I voted for all of this (I think - there’s been so many threads).

Glad that things have calmed down a little. Can we take this 1 hour timer off this thread though?


It’s been interesting being a mod and not very hard at all. And I certainly did more than you have to do, as you don’t really have to do anything.

As I’ve said before, I was modding for a term. It’s been 3 months and that’s a good term imo, for me anyway. I’ve come out of it perhaps with a couple scrapes and bruises, but all in all, if anything, it’s improved my relationships on the forum, especially among most of the people I’ve moderated. I highly recommend taking a turn and helping the forum out.

Who knows what the future will bring, but after a good break, I’m likely to be up for modding or other services for the forum in the future.

@jmakin - please demod me. Thank you.


Don’t like that


Cool thanks for the help, when I get home tonight I will.

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I vote against demodding micro until a replacement has been announced.

A leftist replacement. Don’t pull an RBG, micro.


Arise Sir Chads.


Bernie or bust

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I’m hesitant to post this and potentially stir up “drama,” but I really feel that this is over the line and should be moderated.

Response to flag (paraphrased):
“We’ve reviewed this post and determined that no action needs to be taken.”


Seems provoked. Offsetting penalties, repeat first down.


There seems to be a difference between “fuck you” constituting the main thrust of the post and “fuck you” being part of a substantive post which contains other points, as this one does.