About Moderation (old original thread)

Politics would have benefited from the SE practice of listing bans (do they still update their list)?

I also like this rule from SE:

  1. Mild trolling is ok, the whole lot of us are trolls. But there’s a line, and people who cross it will be asked to cease. None of us want to ban anyone, so let’s all behave like adult trolls.

I’ve likened politics to sports fandom and different parties and ideologies and POVs as our “teams”. We can be very tribal about our political teams just as we are about our sports teams and very negative towards opposing teams. The people who don’t want things to work that way just don’t understand the reality of our psychology. This isn’t ever going to be a polite debating society. Let’s not craft rules based on the naïve idea that it can be. That’s why the US Senate is the way it is.

Sure, let’s eject Team White Nationalist Racist from the league, but once you’re in, there should be some consistency about how the rules are applied. There are a lot of bad POVs that should have the same freedom to be represented without crossing those lines.

I enjoyed ikes’ posting more than I enjoyed fly.

But Rexx is your favorite poster and I’m her favorite poster. Now that bro and nano are both here I can’t play favorites, so the buck stops with me.


Wait are we supposed to get banned all the time? I think maybe I’m doing it wrong.

You are the massive leader in likes by me, 150% of second place.

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If you’re American you should probably eat a ban for saying “whinging” instead of “whining”.


Is this a personal attack? Was it provoked? Hell if I know. Maybe Beetlejuice wants to decide.

Lol at this edit. Sorry that when you said “Fly is the second worst poster I’ve encountered in 25 years online” I didn’t read it as “Fly is the second worst person I have had direct arguments with, ranked by how mean they were to me personally. I do not include posts I have read or should have read in this ranking.”

You got insulted online as a grown ass man. This is literally the same stuff we laugh at conservatives for every day on here!

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Post better.

It’s blossoming.

Will it ebb or continue?

I’m not drunk now, but I’m thinking mods should usually be drunk.

Sorry that someone hurt your feelings, Albertan Bari Weiss.


That’s a personal attack.

I’m going to get a beer. This is an experiment in modding.


But it was funny.

Still need to know who is first on the list.

“Albertan Bari Weiss”? Maybe very mildly amusing.

He’s said before that it’s watevs. I don’t know who is 3rd.

Can I plead ignorance for thinking I was saying whining?

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Sure. I’m no law dude, so I’ll go with ignorance is an excuse.

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I’m being called away for a little bit now. Please, no more than a couple personal attacks or it will interfere with my narration.