About Moderation (old original thread)

The second worst poster is not necessarily the same as the second worst human who posts.

I want to know who clovis thinks were the worst and third worst posters.

Comparing 2+2 politics (before the exodus) to 2+2 OOT or 2+2 NVG is weird, IMO. The median NVG poster or OOTer is like light years worse than the worst not exiled politics poster.

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The thing is, Clovis dislikes Fly because Fly insulted Clovis. Thatā€™s it! Marty has said mean things to me, I know heā€™s not a worse poster than people telling a mentally ill woman to kill herself.


I donā€™t want to litigate this. We have enough drama as it is. And I wish you and Micro would take things down a notch. You both agree on more than you disagree and I think you both would make decent mods.

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Is anyone really arguing that Fly is a worse poster than the people who told Hawbaker to kill herself? Because thatā€™s really fucking gross if true, but Iā€™m not reading it that way.

I think weā€™re going to be fine. Jman has a thick skin.

Jesus beefs so old around here Taco Bell wouldnā€™t take it.

Some of yā€™all take shit waaaay too seriously.


Clovis said in 25 years of being online. I am inferring him to mostly mean politics posters and some other forums/social media because I think he spent the vast majority of his time there, but 2p2 was a cesspool of 17-25 year olds a decade ago. Some truly horrific stuff.

Itā€™s completely fine to have the opinion that Fly was too abrasive of a person for Clovis, and to Clovis! But he was one of the few people pushing back against the majority that liked George Zimmerman etc over the years.

Lol good faith posting itt. I mean it too. You are being purposely stupid.

Do you know how I know you donā€™t think Iā€™m arguing fly is worse than someone who drove a woman to suicide and that when I say second worst poster Iā€™m obviously speaking of my own person experience?

Because I am assuming you are not really stupid. Stop acting like you are to win internet points.

Uh is this Cocaine Mitchā€™s version of Hail to the Chief?

Itā€™s not even interesting drama. Itā€™s just boring ass whinging for whingingā€™s sake. Drama should at least be interesting.


I donā€™t know anything about clovis-fly interactions. Personally, I think the forum should be modded in a way that allows people to say things that occasionally make clovis feel insulted, but not all the time.

My perception was that fly was someone who didnā€™t let accuracy get in the way of a good attack. I think I legitimately would enjoy verbally sparring with fly if he had come over here and I would probably seek out such arguments.

People whine about personal attacks, but itā€™s hard to talk about politics without getting into peopleā€™s personal motivations. The problem with fly wasnā€™t that heā€™d go too far; it was that he seemed to be allowed to go farther than other people. Thatā€™s not just the perception of people who were his main target. That was my perception as well.

I dont think this is an unfair description, but he also seemed to know exactly where the line was that would not result in moderator action. The dumber racists he attacked did not have this same skill.

I think you are right that he did receive extra leeway though.

This is his most liked list.

Beetlejuice most liked

I liked fly, but he was an indiscriminate weapon; there were definitely some friendly-fire incidents.


I think some posters currently perceived as problems are described as similarly knowing where the line is. Their critics want to redraw the lines, but wouldnā€™t these alleged problem posters know where that line is and adjust accordingly?

microbet the poster talking, not the modā€¦thereā€™s muting threads.

I think people are bored.

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Ikes was the same way.

fly called me a nazi once :sob:

We four posters stopped fighting like at least a week ago.

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