Being a mod or admin is intolerable, and this community is at a high risk of dying

So, you only like micro? As far as I’m aware, there’s an n of 1 there.

BTW, this thread is almost certainly going to get horrible real fast. I’m probably going to stop reading it before it gets to that level.

Moderators, just do what you think should be done. You’re not going to please everybody. If you think there’s a bad apple, get rid of it. If you think there are multiple bad apples, get rid of them.


The last time d2e4 participated in a non mod whining discussion was January 18th. Seems like that’s a major issue.

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I’m in the same camp, I spend a lot of time on here and have no idea what this is all about, although I’m getting an impression. I think rotating out a couple of mods while also handing out some temp bans to sort things out sounds good.


You feel unappreciated? My bad. You’re awesome. But your job as a mod shouldn’t be permanent/until you decide to leave or get voted out.


I think rotating mods is good in theory, but I look down the list of people and the only handful I’d be happy with as moderators have all expressed a disinterest in doing so. Who can really blame them either?

My issue with rotating mods is, what happens when someone is modded and goes a little power crazy? What happens if someone starts didsing the fuck out of this place, is what I’m saying. There seems like an extremely high likelihood of someone becoming modded who probably shouldn’t be and causing a lot of disruption to the community. Seems even more likely since the bar for who becomes mod will probably be “do you want to be a mod?” and anyone who wants to be a mod is likelier to be a terrible mod.

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When I’m not a mod, man I’m just going to tell people to use ignore and mute threads. It’s trivially easy to have nothing to do with any of this drama. Everyone involved in any way, even to complain about it, is seeking it out because they want to.

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We’ll cross this bridge when we get to it, but don’t think one mod within a fixed term can do more damage than the for-lifers that never met an internet position they didn’t defend to the death.


So two new people have already volunteered to mod. Let’s get the process done. Goofy and Wookie can get a much needed break. I assure you the forum is much more enjoyable when you can ignore threads you don’t like.


god in heaven what have i missed in a week and a half?


The log of moderator actions indicates that most of the problems are being caused by a select group of posters, maybe this is something we do need to make community decisions about.

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Wrong. The community had a poll and voted about how a certain word would be moderated. Sky then came in and said she didn’t care about that, and she was going to ban people anyway. The correct thing for Sky to do when she doesn’t want to moderate per the standards of the community is to either ignore those posts, or resign.

I felt the same way about cuse when he was a mod and threatened to unilaterally ban NBZ, and left the site for a while until he resigned. And I don’t think anyone can say that I have/had any bias against cuse.


Mods didn’t want to seem biased, and instead have let several good posters leave and risk their mental health because we have a few morons who need to be pandered too.

Yes, you know who you are. You’re adults. You’ve genuinely made this place worse since the election and the damage is irreparable.


That group has reservations over the modding. New users willing to step up. Lets try that and see what happens. If the same people continue to be on the mod log we can decide a different course.


Maybe if you occasionally banned people that agree with you for the same offences that you ban people who disagree with you, the problem would resolve?


No thanks. But I’ll second Keeed and Chad.


This is a terrible argument.


I would support keed and pocketchads, if not to just get some blood in there that may appease people complaining about moderating. But we really need some clear direction here.

There are going to be people unhappy with moderation decisions no matter what tbh. To those that don’t like the current moderation, what do you want to see? Rotation? Put up some names

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please unlock exiledpolitics on your way out


So people actually think just changing mods but not addressing the actual issues is a good idea? Why would anyone think this?

This is maybe the worst solution, short of a filter that changes every word to the c word.