PocketChads For Mod!

Should @PocketChads be made mod?

PocketChads for mod?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

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What jman is likely thinking now


Still voted yes even though that means I can’t have him on ignore anymore. But tbh I end up viewing most of his posts anyway.

A longstanding community member that has made strong, well reasoned arguments for being a mod. Easy yes vote for me.


Pretty good argument for secret ballot imo

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Just taking the piss

Yeah my post wasn’t directed at you so much as just looking at the very lopsided poll results

So cleary PC will be voted in and goofy has decided to step down.

Is it a fair request to let PC moderate the situation with jal/marty/whoever is in that group according to the mods for a while?

Maybe it won’t help, but if he’s on the mod team might as well let him try.

I would think Chads wouldn’t want to become troll bait on his first day, but I’m not going to stop him, either.

Is there a Keeeeeeed for mod thread up? (I cannot seem to find it.)

Is there anything this community has agreed on more than this?

At least jman isn’t lonely anymore

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We don’t always agree on everything but I have full confidence @PocketChads would be a fair and honest mod.


Totally support pocketchads, but also a reminder that there were volunteers earlier. I think @otatop was the first and @whosnext was second. There will be an opportunity for one more at least coming up soon when my term is over on Feb 20th.


I’d be fine with adding both of them. I just thought Chads was obvious. I don’t really care if we vote to add them now or wait to the 20th.

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I just want to make jokes about PocketChads, forum cop.


I think we shouldn’t be hasty. What I want may not be possible, but I’d like there to be rotation of mods without it being FIRE THE MODS. And, I think that anyone, (@anon10396289, @anon10387340, @King_of_NY (not sure this list is right and it’s certainly not exhaustive)), that wants the same thing should understand that no mods who rotate in will be perfect and that even imagining rotation as a solution to problems with a particular mod is dumb. And, they should recognize that you don’t get what you want instantly or by alienating half the forum.

I don’t know what to suggest or think about the flurry of polls. I’ve been out camping the last couple days and missed a lot of it. Maybe it’s all working out…but probably not.


We all need to take a break and go camping.


I’m even fine with treating this poll as an endorsement of Chad’s modship, pending whenever all conditions you think need to transpire before that happens, including the other guys being in line first or whatever.

Doesn’t much matter to me. If it matters to potato or whosnext maybe something like that. If not, this poll has run and has good participation and very clear results and it is probably good to just go with it.


I am happy if PocketChads becomes our next mod (even though I voted against it due to my concerns about his temperament gleaned from his posting) since he has overwhelming community support.

Some time ago I volunteered to join a hypothetical list of people willing to be mods at a time (somewhat like today) when it was unclear if anybody would be able to “replace” a mod if any existing mod wanted to step down. I have no great desire to be a mod but added my name in the spirit of community modding.

Not that it really matters for this discussion, but I have been and continue to be more than satisfied with Wookie, Goofy, and all the other UP mods.


This seems like a done deal