Phil Galfond High Stakes Challenge

less than 200 hands left!


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This is the best sweat in poker in years. So good.

Ships another! Deficit barely over 10k.

Holy fuck fuck fuck this is nuts

right down to the wire. This is insane.

Absolutely absurd how close this is at this stage.

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HOLY SHIT - this is the best sports I’ve watched in months!

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Down 5k!!! This is beyond fairytale…it’s inconceivable!

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Great stuff!

A 30 min break! Why would he want that.

wow 30 minute break


Ya isn’t this hugely dumb for Vidi?

Might’ve had a stroke.

30 minute break brilliant to get more viewers in and build suspense.

Stops Phil’s momentum. Gives him a chance to regroup.

Why isn’t ESPN televising this?

ESPN should be working on an online WSOP right now.

Not until it’s legal in my state.