You can’t uncover The Truth of the illuminati pedophile globalists without acquiring some child porn.
Or maybe like Pete Townshend, he’s researching what happened to him as a child.
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WGH this time
Roger likes to watch. Think his wife likes Alex’ type?
Yuck. I hadn’t considered that.
Heck I’m still mad my wife wouldn’t let me make and sell Pool Boy shirts when we went to the town where Liberty U is.
Trump lawyers in direct talks with DOJ, lawyers have told him to prepare for the possibility of being indicted.
CNN reports that Trump’s lawyers have warned him of possible indictments. Also reports DOJ plans to go to court to fight him on executive privilege.
Just a huge lol to anyone who still believes in consequences for any of these people, especially trump.
Has anyone committed more felony crimes in history than Donald Trump? The sheer volume seems unprecedented. I’m referring to the variety here rather than individually prosecuting each murder of the holocaust.
You’ve got obstruction of justice, sexual assault, money laundering, embezzlement, extortion, tax fraud, emoluments, insurrection, treason, etc.
How long can Trump hold off running his mouth? I mean I haven’t looked, maybe he already has, and the night is young.
Probably only mob bosses. Which is, of course, what Trump aspires to be.