Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread

Or the two end up symbiotically reinforcing one another.


why dont they just lay the most obvious trap in the world for him and bust him saying something insanely stupid if he’s doing this shit. by not talking to him, they’re just protecting him from himself. the entire system is desperately trying to keep him out of jail at every point and he still can’t help himself.


Well it’s a terrible example exactly for the reason jman points out.

The feds can absolutely prosecute you and saying “It’s legal in my state” will not help you at all.

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Why is it a terrible example? I’ll fire up a blunt in front of any federal law enforcement official in my state

I suppose you can be arrested for just about anything. But getting a conviction is another story, so I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make

The detail about grabbing the wheel who knows but ofc he threw a fit.

I’m not sure I can make it simpler for you than @j8i3h289dn3x7 did. Maybe he wants to take another crack. The feds can absolutely convict you with ease for breaking federal marijuana laws. It won’t even be a sweat and the fact that state law allows it is completely irrelevant.
It’s a slam dunk.

The only reason that there aren’t convictions is because the federal government is simply choosing not to enforce it. State law isn’t protecting you. What is protecting you is that the feds just don’t feel like coming after you. For marijuana, it is probably a good bet that they will feel this way indefinitely. For other issues, maybe not.


So you’re saying a gman can arrest me as I walk out of a dispensary for possession of cannabis and if a USAG wanted to prosecute, it’s a slam dunk I’ll be convicted and have a criminal record?

I can’t imagine that’s correct. Is jman an attorney? I’ll definitely have to look into this. That would mean we’re just putting our trust on the whims of the federal government. A lawyer could be disbarred and ruin their career. A bar owner could lose their liquor license. A vindictive US attorney general could ruin someone for sleeping with their spouse. How is that any way for the law to work?

Edit: Just spoke with my sis and apparently that IS correct! WTF?!? Why do they call it legal then when it’s really not?

Lots more on the text deletion deal.

Is there any way these are fully gone? Doesn’t the provider server have them?

More or less.

I don’t know exactly how the federal law with respect to cannabis is worded, but whatever it happens to be, if you break that law, the feds could come after you.

@j8i3h289dn3x7 is an attorney. Although not a fed, IIRC, he has experience prosecuting people for crimes, so he can give you the specifics on how it would go down.

Edit: Just saw your edit. Looks like you got it all sorted out.

I replied above. My sister just told me that if someone with a green card got caught with marijuana in a state where it’s “legal” they could get deported. Federal law always supersedes state law

Yeah, I made an edit in response to your edit.

Other than drawing live to jury nullification, yes.

Yes, that’s actually in the constitution. It’s called the supremacy clause.


And even if it wasn’t, the Feds are allowed to make things crimes even if a state doesn’t. The reason the Boston Marathon bombers were tried federally was Mass doesn’t have the death penalty.

Kinda like Biden “can” sign an executive order. Feel
free to blow blunt smoke in front of your local FBI office.

I’ve seen prison movies before, Peter. It looks unpleasant. Especially the ass-raping part.