Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread

Man I bet DoJ is all over this witness tampering the J6 committee just announced


Easily granted. They just cut the benefits proportionally if they have to.

Republicans: “LOL, no.”

That’s just silly and embarrassing if they try that. It’s not like the fetus was going to drive his own car.

I feel like none of this takes into account just how important the issue is for true believers. If the roles were reversed and a Democratic SC just finally legalized abortion after a decades long fight and the Reps come back with but then pregnant women get to drive in the HOV lane what would you do except shrug and say “Fine, whatever. We got owned. You got us there.”

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I certainly hope they’re not. You’ll never prove tampering when he didn’t even pick up the phone.

And the fall guy is…


You’re hired!

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Your side is going to get absolutely obliterated in a civil war.

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The civil war is probably going to take the form of an insurgency where things like the plot to kidnap Whitmer are going to become more common and more successful.

Mathias’ quote game could use some work.

right, this I can see. this isn’t a civil war, it’s terrorism



Is the federal government sending in police to shut down marijuana dispensaries in CA operating in violation of federal law? I don’t think a federal law on abortion will be policed all that much.

That probably reflects a lack of political will more than anything. There were decades of very aggressive and active marijuana and other drug enforcement, including a Domestic Cannabis Eradication & Suppression Program.

Would you put it past Republicans to establish a special federal abortion policing unit under the DOJ? If they had a Federal abortion ban, I’d kinda be surprised if they didn’t do that as part of it.

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i predicted this

The modern right, the tea party descendants, hate wokeness more than anything. Next up: government spending.

There are political scientists who study this sort of thing who would describe insurgencies as low-level civil wars. It seems to be a matter of degree, how organized they are and how much of a power imbalance there is between the pose seeking regime change and the regime they seek to change.

Terrorism can be used by insurgencies. Modern warfare isn’t large armies clashing in the field, for the most part.

Insurgencies often take the form of guerilla warfare waged from a rural base. Terrorism is but one asymmetrical tactic at their disposal. It’s not hard to imagine parts of this country being controlled by local militias to a degree where you’d have to send in the army to root them out and patrol the area…and a federal government unwilling to go that far.

sure but I think most people who are tossing around the term “civil war” specifically in the near-future-USA context are imagining something more traditional with red states and blue states lining up on the battlefield, and that just seems like an extremely, extremely low-probability outcome

Given my background, I tend towards more formal, technical and academic definitions when talking about politics.

There aren’t even armies lined up on the battlefield in Ukraine.

The nature of the likely coming insurgency is why secession doesn’t feel like a solution to me. The divide isn’t red state vs blue state but rural vs urban. No matter what sort of liberal chunk you slice off to make a separate country, it’s going to contain a rural section that can be a base for an insurgency.

Yeah, and the feds can still prosecute it whenever they feel like. They just aren’t. You think the same will hold true for a religious right AG?

If men had to start paying child support on day 1 of pregnancy, Roe never would’ve gotten overturned

You can’t make a fetus any less of a dependent

The HOV was tongue in cheek due to the news about TX woman fighting a ticket. Hence the ldo

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It seems like climate disaster will send us into chaos long before we see anything resembling a civil war in the US anyways.