Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread

All things point to a civil war, but I don’t see a major conflict happening because the left has neither the means nor the will to fight one

who are the combatants in this situation? you have right wing nutjobs and… who are they going to war with?

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political terrorism is not a civil war

I agree probably no one, because who’s going to put up a fight? Certainly not our political leaders on the left, and not the left populace. I imagine there will probably be some deaths of peaceful left protesters, but they will otherwise take over democracy without much of a fight

We’ve got billions of ANTIFA on our side, ldo.



what happens though when abortion stuff or whatever becomes federal? It’s hard for me to imagine say California ever abiding by that, I think they’re not going to recognize that, they’re just not. Who blinks first then? I agree that civil war as brought to you by ken burns is unlikely, but at some point if there’s way more domestic terrorism and asymmetric militia shit then what’s really the difference

If it gets to that point it’s going to look like handmaid tale. Lots of us screaming you cant do this while they do this.

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I was talking with my sister who just graduated law school and is currently preparing for the bar. She said that states can give rights that aren’t federally approved but never take one away (the constitution supersedes state law). This would imply that even if autonomy rights were taken away at the federal level, a state like California could legalize abortion and the federal government couldn’t do anything about it. I’ll have to ask her to expound on that, but it made sense when she was trying to explain it

The federal Republicans won’t take the position that an abortion ban infringes on women’s rights, they’ll say that the state’s legalization violates the rights of the baby.

Think cannabis legislation, it’s still criminalized at a federal level but numerous states have legalized it both medicinally and recreationally.

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Very good point and if science can’t prevail in dictating that a fetus isn’t yet a human being, then maybe the Democrats should start going along with it and implementing some laws:

  • Child support starts at conception
  • Fetuses are considered dependents for tax purposes
  • A fetus is included for financial and social assistance programs
  • A fetus is automatically granted US citizenship if conceived on US soil?
  • A fetus entitles one to use the HOV lane ldo

I’m sure there are many others I can’t think of off the top of my head

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She did use this and online gambling as examples

You can even go well beyond that i.e. all women are to be considered potentially pregnant at all times and they all get +1 federal tax exemption permanently, etc.

Thank you lawbros!

they’ve been pretty careful to avoid this so far, but yeah when they need to pull a “fuck you no” this will be a major component of the overt baloney they give as a justification.

everything that has happened so far has happened without needing to define any unborn child as a person. You can ban abortion without needing to rely in fetal personhood.


What about “one player to a hand”.