Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread


Pictured: a disgusting ape that doesn’t know how to walk like a human being. Also, bigfoot.



Trump not looking so good imo

Even without a lot of evidence, some stories are so good they have to be true. Trump looks like he could go another 10-15 years, easy.

I just cant watch him anymore. It’s like scraping gravel with a shovel.

I got 1 sentence in and had to switch off.


It really is. Everything about him is abhorrent. Body language, tone, mannerisms, cadence…

How could anyone sane last 8 minutes listening to that moron?

I thought about playing the clip and thought better of it when I saw how long it was.

Don’t count him out quite yet.

What’s the charge - sedition? Conspiracy to commit a riot? Property damage?

According to 18 USCS § 2102 “to incite a riot”, or “to organize, promote, encourage, participate in, or carry on a riot”, includes, but is not limited to, urging or instigating other persons to riot, but shall not be deemed to mean the mere oral or written (1) advocacy of ideas or (2) expression of belief, not involving advocacy of any act or acts of violence or assertion of the rightness of, or the right to commit, any such act or acts.”

I think this is applicable as more facts come out, it is apparent that it wasn’t “mere…advocacy of ideas or expressions of belief.”

I was totally in the “nothing matters” boat, but the House investigation has been revealing enough that I’m starting to think Garland has little choice but to go for an indictment. Yeah, the political fallout will be bad. Biden will likely be indicted on some bogus charge by some Republican AG someday in the future as payback, but whatever. I think we’ve probably crossed the tipping point where it would be too hard to justify not going after a criminal case against Trump.

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I just don’t see them doing it, they’re scared of doing anything strongly and they’re probably pissing their pants worrying about what maga will do if he’s indicted. I’m sure there will be violence though if he is, how much no one knows.

That’s a very real runout. The problem is the Dems are going to run Joe fucking Biden again.

Dems aren’t going to indict Trump and watch him get acquitted because they know that if they do it they are literally going to be hung from the literal gallows in a couple years. They might be anyhow, but they be far too scurred to cross that rubicon.

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I’ve been told that good guys with guns will stop that

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Indictments are technically not up to Dem politicians. They impeached and voted to remove him twice. Now they’re presenting more evidence of crimes. Referring him to DoJ for indictment or whatever that process is called won’t add much. The don’t piss off Trump boat has sailed.

You have to run the incumbent. The advantage is too huge.

Not this time. Like I clearly don’t think he’s the worst president of all time, there are a few worse for sure, but he’s possibly the worst ever in comparing what he ran on to what he’s done so far.

Trump sucked, to us, but he was awesome to his base. He made his voters very happy. Biden, not so much.