Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread

Everyone just gotta stall their trials till Jan 20 2024 or whatever right? They’ll be instant pardoned regardless of whether it’s Trump, Desantis or someone else?

They’re grifters

I’m pretty solidly on team Nothing Matters but I think if it can be demonstrated who sent the messages, they will be indicted and convicted.

Lol even if they indict him, he drags it out for years in court until Trump pardons him.

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Not even that long. Dem’s are almost certainly losing both houses in November. In 6 months a GOP congress will be free to obstruct any further investigations or prosecutions, and I’m sure they will.

From DOJ?

So far the DOJ has shown zero indication of doing anything. And Garland can be impeached.

I have no idea how that vote would even go.

That would be unanimous first ballot inductee into my LetThemFight.jpg HOF.

with what senate super majority?


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Simple - very, very dumb people can operate a computer and post on Twitter. Like, have you ever read Twitter?

Ah I’m an idiot ofc

Maybe but Trump ain’t paying for any off that expensive legal shit so theres that.

He looks good, he lost a little weight and improved his posture. Also got a much better rug.


Lol oh my God it would be hysterical. Merrick Garland’s arc in the public political eye would be to get nominated to SCOTUS specifically for being disappointing to his party - boring, old, and moderate. Then to not even get a hearing, just totally fucked over by the GOP. Then to get appointed AG and have the chance to go scorched earth on those people and without even being biased - they clearly did it… Only to be so staunchly deferential in an effort to garner bipartisan approval that you let your opponents get away with all the crimes… Then they impeach you anyway. And it doesn’t get the 2/3 majority but it’s bipartisan cause a few Dems are like fuck this guy, he’s nicer to Trump than Bill fucking Barr.

Like he’d be the biggest cuck in the history of the word.


“Was the proudest day of my life lol,” Anthony Robert Williams wrote in a social media post obtained by the FBI. “Felt like the founding fathers were smiling down on us in that room, and I guarantee my dad and gramps, both vets, would be proud.”


Williams is facing up to 20 years in federal prison when he is sentenced in September.


Four months later, the government said, Williams again boasted about his actions, stating in an April 19 post: “I was in the Capitol and have absolutely no remorse or fear in saying or doing it.”


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“AR” Williams