Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread

Maybe he can beat McGahn’s record of a TWO YEAR delay

With that algorithm what do we need Trump for?

They’ve had handwritten notes from Trump telling people to do a coup for well over a year. Just the dumbest, most pointless spectacle in modern history.

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Whether it’s ultimately pointless or not Idk but you’re ignoring the power of narrative. Tell a good story and people will watch and listen and that’s a good start towards making change.

Ok, we’ll change our god to RON DESANTIS, wooo!! The change we need! Power of narrative!

This can go both ways. On the one hand the pageantry of a Very Serious Congressional Spectacle can get people to pay attention, on the other hand you can get people who are so impressed by the pageantry that neglect to follow through. The eDems are all about door number 2, unfortunately. How many moving speeches and big promises have we seen followed by tepid half measures and exasperated declarations that there isn’t anything they can actually do? The Republican fascist pageantry motivates them to act on their fascist instincts, but he eDem Very Serious Person pageantry just leads to disappointment when nothing happens. It’s like going to a very fancy restaurant that costs $200 per person with beautiful decor and tons of well dressed staff and exceptional service, and then they bring you a peanut butter sandwich. No one in that situation would say “well, we really enjoyed the decor and the service”. They would say the food was shit!

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It can go an infinite number of ways. If you believe in free will (and I’m not sure I do actually but in practice I act like I do so whatever) we can influence the direction of events by controlling the narrative. It’s true it’s just a first step. Stories have to pushed along. There’s a next step and another after that one and no guarantee you get the fine dining you want. But if someone else is writing the story of mosdef’s night out, you might never even get pbj.


Yes, that’s true. I just question whether in the current environment controlling the narrative via Congressional hearings makes any sense. The Rs control the narrative by flooding social media with propaganda.

Yeah, ironically, they’re better at collectively pushing the narrative they want. It might be instinctive.

I think there’s something to the idea of phase transitions applied to politics in that sudden dramatic changes can happen. The trouble is we don’t know which knobs to turn or how much and even if we did, we stilll couldn’t predict when the transition would happen. I mean I don’t know if hearings are the best way to drive an effective narrative or what might be better but it’s something and some number of people are paying attention.

It would say a more apt analogy would include being served a fresh steaming pile of dog shit and the eDems expecting you to finish every bite.

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Here’s a thought: prosecutors shouldn’t count on Congress to do their job for them

Honestly I can’t tell shit from this but here you go.


Zapruder time, eh?


Lock him up


Here’s a picture I took of Trump foraging for food in the redwoods:


Dall-E getting better every day




Oh good, Mark Meadows is maybe going to get got. Wrap it up lads, we caught the mastermind behind 1/6 and will bring him to justice soon.

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Quick garland has a tube up his ass, indict everyone.

I have so much trouble understanding how someone can both still believe people will be indicted and be smart enough to operate a computer to post on twitter.