Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread

I get why they’re doing it but the reputation laundering for all these scumbags is nauseating


Flipping AZ/GA would get him almost there. Only needed three states, and perhaps a third would have been gettable if the Republicans in charge of those states had acquiesced.

Um, I don’t think it’s over yet

Do you?

The 2020 election is over. Pence having any relevance is over. The threat of stolen elections has been around for a couple hundred years (and it’s been consummated at least a few times), so I do not think that threat will go away any time soon/ever.

I’ll probably curse it but I think the establishment is all the way out on Trump including right wing media. That said, they were also all out on him in 2016 and he won anyway. But 8 years later with all the baggage and declining physical and mental health they may be able to sink him. Lord knows the DOJ isn’t doing shit.

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What I meant was this current coup attempt is not over. Even at this late date, Pence speaking out about what really happened could prove extremely helpful in unifying Republicans and stopping this nonsense big lie

I really have been holding on to some hope the final hearing right before the midterms is some massive smoking gun they’ve been holding on to the entire time, but I know it’s gonna be something completely lame

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Lol we’re getting at least 3 more terms of Trump after this post.


Outside of the fact that it likely would be meaningless, what would some Robert Durst or Col. Jessup type reveal even look like?

The only thing that could move the needle is Trump calling his supporters traitors or something.

They still wouldn’t turn on him, they’d pretend it was some kind of 4D chess move to dupe the liberals.

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The election worker’s testimony was very powerful and heartbreaking. Unfortunately, no minds will be changed.

How the ever loving fuck has Rudy not been arrested. Jesus fucking Christ.

What even is “the establishment” at this point? The inmates are running the asylum.

I would love nothing more than open war between Trump and the GOP but I really doubt we’ll get it. He’ll either decide he doesn’t want to run (at which time he’ll extort them anyway because he cares about nothing but himself), or they’ll just ride it out.

It wouldn’t shock me in the least if they have something bigly on a fellow politician

You people are all so skeptical. Hardcore Trump supporters like Raffensperger testifying against Trump will very likely change some minds. I’m also pretty sure that polling shows these hearings have changed people’s thoughts on whether or not Trump committed a crime

My armchair take is that Fanny Willis is the favorite at this point to take him down. I’ll go so far as to say that if Garland doesn’t act soon, then I think this is what he’s been waiting for. In my opinion it’s the best possible outcome. It achieves the same result without the partisan look of the DOJ prosecuting a former president. Once Willis indicts, the DOJ can mop up Guilani, Eastman, Meadows, and all the rest

This is a crime. Fucking resign Merrick Garland. Doing nothing normalizes all of it and the bad guys aren’t going to just give up.

The hearings change peoples minds for like 5 seconds. Goldfish brain morons that decide the fate of our country will be frothed up about a caravan or gender neutral bathroom within hours. The solution is prosecuting criminals, seems pretty obvious to me but obviously I don’t have the intellect of an elite lawyer.