Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread

Brad Raffensperger? You think Trump supporters are going to change their mind because of Brad Raffensperger? If that was going to happen, wouldn’t it have happened already?

I would love to wager on this in some way.

I think there’s a large chunk of America that lives in a political blind spot. All they know is there was a riot at the capital and wasn’t that terrible? Something-something Trump, something-something Republicans, something-something Democrats, with no solid idea what’s really happening

This is the first time Americans are hearing Republican officials and insiders testifying under oath against higher ups in their own party. Didn’t it take until this point before Nixon’s popularity flipped?

Regarding a wager, I’m probably the least politically informed person on this site. I admit I’m just spit balling and my opinion isn’t worth shit. I do very much want to see accountability and worry a great deal about a future where that doesn’t happen

And wasn’t it just one murder that got him convicted? I think/hope that’s gonna be the case here with GA

No he never murdered anyone.

He did shoot some random guy but I think he lived.

Manson wasn’t a criminal mastermind. His main priority was doing as much acid while banging as many people as possible. The murders were more of a acid head got out of line than anything else.

Still though, a fair analogy

Mulvaney gotta be one of the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet.


About the documentary crew footage, I just imagine Trump saying, “But they signed an NDA!”

Fucking moron.

It’s like there’s a cone of stupidity amongst a percentage of the population. I was saying he would never concede the election in 2016, and would’ve bet my life that he wouldn’t leave peacefully if he lost his 2nd term. It was so obvious to many of us. Wtf is wrong with people?


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The rapid reaction force is the DC Police and whatever FBI they can find at HQ. Before 9-11 there were 2 ready alert fighter planes for the whole east coast.


“I wasn’t involved… Why don’t you leave me alone?”

lol some rando gave us some package, God only knows what was in it, and we tried to deliver it directly to the Vice President, what is strange about that? Non-story folks.

They knew.

Hopefully some of these guys with tire marks on their backs are able to crawl to the nearest witness chair.


It’s amazing how so much of all the bullshit would be solved if we just got rid of the electoral college.


If we got rid of the Electoral College, safe states would be incentivized to find more votes for their guy. Just a different kind of bullshit.

If we got rid of state lines, we’d be rid of both the electoral college and the Senate.

…but a way less destructive and more fruitless kind of bullshit.

Eliminating the drama of 50%+1 of an individual state potentially flipping the election reduces incentive to “find more votes for their guy” and reduces the likelihood of something like that actually mattering tremendously. And eliminating the states going through certification processes to select their electors, potential for faithless electors, varying state laws about the procedure and timeline, procedures in the event no candidate reaches 270, etc.

This is exactly the stuff Republicans are trying to manipulate to coup the government. The possibility of some Texas town committing conspiracy trying to add 1000 R votes and probably getting caught and going to prison because that isn’t easy to do without getting caught pales in comparison to the systemtic risks we have under the electoral college.


Maybe try not working for a lying scumbag if you want credit for success.