Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread

This is sure to age well and definitely won’t look silly in two years.


The slippery slope started when Nixon was pardoned instead of imprisoned.

so in your opinion it would be better if he were not charged?

The funny thing to me is all this handwringing over “charging”. Who gives a fuck if he gets charged or not. He ain’t getting convicted for shit. All it takes is one jury-nullifying MAGA dipshit to prevent that.

You can have a perfectly straight up trail, good judge, best prosecutor, mountains of evidence, and let a duo of Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani be in charge of the defense and Trump still isn’t getting got. It’s just not possible.

Don’t get me wrong. I’d prefer if he were charged. But I’m not suffering under the delusion that it will do anything.

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In theory it would hurt his re-election campaign.

That might be an argument against doing it. Because then we get DeSantis.

Honestly don’t give a shit if he’s convicted. He’ll have to go through hell in the courts. He’ll look like a complete idiot. He won’t be able to keep his mouth shut and they’ll hold him in contempt. He’ll get perp walked out of maralago. There’ll be a mugshot.


I’m imagining him giving two thumbs up in a mug shot because it’s a habit and he’s too stupid to stop himself.

But he’s never getting charged, so we won’t get to find out.

Charging him should be all about maximizing polarization among Democrats to get out the vote.

In theory, two impeachments in a single term should hurt his re-election campaign.

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Yeah, those goals and what Riverman said are fine. As long as we’re clear that he’s not actually going to go to jail. Hoping for that is futile.

If I set up an account and give you the login info, will you do it?

OK, I’ll set one up in the next couple of days and PM you the info.


The guy probably had a lot of weapons purchased sans background check in non-red flag states trained at he and his family’s heads at the time tbf.

Maybe in two years it will, but if history is still being written (doubt.jpeg) in 100 years this is exactly how he will be remembered. Andrew Johnson was popular in his day, and so were Hitler and Stalin in their countries!

Sure, in some history book somewhere. Here? Very much an open question.

I’m still a sheep I guess with the whole arc of the moral universe stuff.

I’m honestly starting to think it might be.

Anything that doesn’t result in a conviction will be chalked up as a win for MAGA and a loss for Democrats. We’re talking about a man who was impeached twice in a single term. Where did that get us? There exists a dangerous number of people who simply live in a different reality than the rest of us

So from a political standpoint and the overall health of the country, I think it’s best the DOJ stay out of trying to charge and jail a former president for crimes committed while in office. Let Fani Willis, Leticia James, and a class action lawsuit for defrauding his donors play out in the courts (and I’m sure there are many more lawsuits waiting in the wings). Let him live the rest of his life fending off all his other legal bullshit. I seriously question whether the chances that the DOJ doesn’t secure a conviction is worth it given the precedent it will set and the turmoil it will cause

I’m trying to be objective and not just go by what I’d like to see happen (which is him being locked up and put into one of those things the pilgrim used that your head and arms go into every Sunday in the public square)

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Probably been mentioned numerous times already, but I’m so sick of hearing what a hero Pence was and about the patriotism these inner circle people displayed by testifying. Where were they BEFORE Jan 6? How is staying silent while this “ILLEGAL” coup attempt was being plotted in any way patriotism? Even the J6 committee can GTFO with that crap!

i was talking about obama. if you believe that he’s a war criminal, you would not want the charges to hit, and for a judicial process to conclude one way or another?