Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread

I could never trust somebody who seriously posed for a picture like that if it wasn’t for some dance or art thing.

Or to send as a joke Christmas card.

Rudy: The committee should not be leaking information. But also he’s running for Gov? The nuts has no limit.

Rudy isn’t running. His son Andrew is.

Ah. Thanks.

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The turd doesn’t fall far from the jackass.

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Also, in a sane world, every judge put in place during the Trump administration would need to be replaced. People who flagrantly break the law and attempt a coup should not be allowed to appoint judges

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As much as I hate the man and think there’s no question he deserves to be in a prison, I don’t think that would be the best thing for the country or even the best form of justice (he would just become a martyr). Rather, let him live out the rest of his life as a broke, twice impeached, failed one term president. I do however, think it’s SUPER important to indict and lock up every one of the higher ups that took part and make an example out of them

Trump is kind of already a cult martyr figure. He’s not going to be more powerful behind bars.

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Would like to live on your planet. Trump is way more likely to be President again than he is to live the rest of his life in disgrace.

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I just worry that jailing a former POTUS is a slippery slope. Granted, Trump’s crimes were blatant, unabashed and egregious, but every president (at least in modern times), has committed jail worthy offenses. Do we really want to live in a country where locking up the opposition becomes a viable political strategy?

Do we really want to live in a country where the President can commit crime with impunity?

I think there’s a pretty big gulf between jailing political opponents because they commit crimes vs. jailing political opponents as a “political strategy”. Nothing good comes from pretending we can’t tell the difference. Conservatives love a world where we pretend that nothing is knowable and there is no objective reality and facts don’t matter. If they want to put Biden or Hillary in jail and they can, they will do that whether Trump is jailed or not.


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you worry about entering a slippery slope with respect to the system changing presidents too often (at political whims rather than actual crime), more than the slippery slope of the president committing a crime and having virtually no chance of being charged?

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I’m really bothered by the four asterisks on that chyron.

Unless he called him “pretty” and they don’t want viewers to see that, which I would understand.


Yeah, that’s what’s annoying about everyone treating Pence like a hero. He could have just said “no, fuck off, that’s batshit insane,” but he got all sorts of legal advice before officially deciding against participating in a coup.

I’m certainly on his side when it comes to his ultimate decision and not wanting a psycho MAGA mob hunting him down, but let’s ease off on the “hero” gas a bit.

What’s so dumb is that I know nothing about Constitutional law, yet simple logic would dictate that the VP can’t just decide who is going to be POTUS. If someone came to me with that idea, I’d just be like:



please tell me everyone in his mentions is calling him a fucking meathead

Obama is a war criminal