Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread

I tried signing up with a burner email account I set up for the purpose and it shut me down. This might not be not be as trivial as I thought.

Seems like the J6 committee is trying to send out the message that they’re seamlessly cooperating with the DoJ but Lofgren didn’t get the memo

Democratic Rep. Zoe Lofgren of California, who is a member of the committee, criticized the Justice Department for its blanket request for all of the interview transcripts in the committee’s possession, told CNN’s Jake Tapper on “The Lead,” “It’s really not the way that DOJ is supposed to work,” and asking, “what have they been doing over there?”

“I mean, they’ve known about all the witnesses we’ve had for over a year. They could subpoena them. They could open up grand juries,” Lofgren said.

I’ve been worried for a long time that DoJ wasn’t moving quickly on the top level planners of J6, and a lot of that was because those people would be public about any DoJ moves like subpoenas. They would use them as publicity events to bash the Biden admin (see Bannon w/ contempt charge). Now it seems like after some kind of attempt to communicate and cooperate between the committee and the DoJ, committee members are explicitly saying DoJ hasn’t been doing shit about those people.

Well, how far back do you want to go? George W. was a war criminal (as was Cheney, Rumsfeld and that whole crowd). They lied to the American people and started a war until false pretense. You could probably go back in time and find countless presidents who should’ve been prosecuted and sent to jail (many under international law) for crimes committed

I’m just not sure the DOJ should be prosecuting presidents. It’s not a good look and probably impossible to do without looking partisan. The question that needs to be asked is if the unrest amongst American citizens along with the havoc to our political system worth it? It could be incalculable. There are mechanisms for removing a criminal president from office. Convicting on impeachment is the main one. It failed twice with Trump and there’s no reason to think the DOJ would be any more successful in gaining a conviction at a jury trial imo

But I do think indicting and convicting everyone else is a MUST. And making an example out of them would be enough to ensure a coup attempt never happens again imo

Edit: For example I think Eastman should do hard time. And even a couple of the so-called heroes who testified yesterday should do some time for not coming forward sooner while witnessing a crime in progress

How did it shut you down?

i asked about obama specifically. but you can answer me with which former president war criminal would you want to charge right now, without entering your slippery slope. like, you keep walking it backwards in time. trmp is not ok, obama isn’t because of w, then where do you stop?

The debate over imprisoning Presidents I think is illustrative of why directly electing a powerful leader is a bad idea. Because if a political agenda is embodied in a single person, it becomes attractive to use extra-political means, like criminal prosecution or assassination, to try to put an end to that agenda. So it presents a risk to the stability of the system to establish a precedent of doing that.

It’s the reason Presidents have like 1000 Secret Service agents protecting them while Prime Ministers in Australia walk around campaigning in shopping malls with a tiny entourage. It’s because assassinating a PM doesn’t really do anything. They are party leader because they have the confidence of the party room and are therefore, in part, an expression of the party’s collective will (or at least that of the dominant faction). If you get rid of that leader, they’ll just elect another one and continue to advance much the same agenda.


The Supreme Court is even worse. If you time it right, killing the opposing factions Justices, 5 people at the most, while your party controls the Presidency and Senate, you can effect the entire US judicial system, and increasingly more and more policy and the Supreme Court takes over that role, for 20 to 30 years

It said it would send me a confirmation email and then it never came. I tried multiple times. However, the address I used was just a random string of letters and numbers. So, maybe it “figured out” that no real person would have that address. I tried again with a legit email I have an it sent the confirmation email right away, but I don’t want to sign up with that account.

Can you just create an email account with Yahoo or whatever just for this purpose and then never open the inbox again?

I definitely wouldn’t use any account I cared about either.

I’ll give it a shot later this weekend if you don’t want to.

That’s what I did. The account I made was something like

I never got the confirmation email when I entered that into the Truth Social account sign up site. I tried 5 times. Maybe it will work if I try a more realistic sounding email address. Probably should put MAGA in it somewhere just to be sure.

Yeah, you should try it. I’d be interested in seeing how it turns out for you.


We got 'em.

The USCP statement said the case remains “an active criminal investigation, and may result in additional criminal charges.”

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I mean yeah but I can think of a couple more significant reasons for this in ol’ USA#1. But also yes, concentrating too much power in one executive leader is definitely a flaw of American democracy. There was a really interesting episode of West Wing that addressed the fact that most experts on democracy advise countries trying to reform their democracy or start a democracy to use a parliamentarian system.

See their mistake was not showing up with gallows, MAGA hats, and zip ties.


Dems tripping over themselves to slurp the Capitol Police was both predictable and dumb.

We’re not far from the Dems running a Pence/Cheney ticket here.


“What I will say, though, is this. And I think it explains it all. All my life, I have said (as to myself, and at times, by way of sarcastic prescription for others) that I never . . . talk . . . any . . . faster . . . than . . . my . . . mind . . . can . . . think. I will proudly assure everyone on Twitter that I was riveted, laser-like as never before, on that promise to myself beginning promptly at the hour of 1:00 pm Thursday afternoon,” he wrote. “What is more, as consciously as one can be aware of something subconsciously, I was, in your poetic words of which I was, and am myself, incapable even of conjuring, Mr. Hagan, supremely conscious that, if I were chiseling words in stone that day, it was imperative that I chisel the exact words that I would want to be chiseled in stone, were I chiseling words in stone for history.”

“So, in all sincerity, thank you, all of you on Twitter, who are genuinely concerned about me. I can assure you that on last Thursday, June 16, I had never felt, or been, better in my life. And now, two days later, I feel better, still! For better or worse, I was as compos mentis as I have ever been last Thursday, June 16, 2022. But please keep checking on me from time to time! You just never know these days! Thank you, everyone! You’re the best!” Luttig said.

I got the confirmation email, clicked it and they ask for a phone number that they can send an SMS to.

Not really interested in giving them my phone number.

Fuck, they want a phone number too.

I really do want the bot, though. I guess I’ll figure something out.

Burner phone?