Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread

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(Jeff Tedrich tweet)

Holy fucking shit, someone wake Merrick Garland the fuck up and tell him to do his fucking job for once.

Just some innocent tourists taking pictures.

Bold move Cotton

“You’re an environmental lawyer. How about you go back to your office, and we’ll call you when there’s an oil spill.”

My pony seems to be stuck in an oil spill

that… can’t possibly result in nothing happening, right? right? jfc

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“We’re coming in like white on rice!”

lol these people are just openly plotting to kill their coworkers and Chuck N Nancy aren’t going to lift a finger to stop them.

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Loudermilk wrote a book. Back cover:

But just when all seems lost; our national heroes call upon a powerful weapon that changes the course of events. It is a powerful force that alters weather, gives men incredible courage, stops bullets in their paths, and changes the hearts and minds of both allies and enemies. It is the power of prayer.


Meanwhile the Capitol Police have officially cleared Loudermilk of wrongdoing, and the tours were all in buildings adjacent to the capitol. Which I guess means the Capitol Police are still compromised? Cause that video doesn’t lie.

These people just disappear from surveillance video for 2 hours, according to the cops. :musical_note:Where could they beeee?:musical_note:

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Well I’d start with wherever the cops say they weren’t. Apparently the cops say they weren’t in the Capitol, so I assume they were.

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Believe it or not they’re not home


”They’ve never sent me a letter… asking me… never called me. They sent it to you guys [media]… They had a year and four months… I would have been glad to talk to them."

Letter must have got lost in the mail. DeJoy!


Why did he put out a statement denying that he gave a fucking tour? Just ask him that simple question.

I believe his story is that his tour was not in the main Capitol building. It was in the Capitol “complex”. Just the surrounding buildings, so he didn’t lie (even though he totally did). He’s a good, God-fearing Christian man who believes in the miraculous power of prayer so no way he’s actually a hell-bound sinner.

Also, his statement was in response to stories on the media, not to the j6 committee, since they’ve never tried to talk to him. And he won’t talk to them bc they’re obviously not interested in the truth if they won’t call or write to him.

Yes because Jeebus says it’s ok to lie if you are not under oath.

I’m sure she will ignore the request and if subpoenad it will be appealed up for the following opinion from chief judge of the Trump States of America*

Fuck you, no. Besides it’s irrelevant because the entire J6 committee was executed by order of Emperor Donny in February 2025.

It will go to SCOTUS and Clarence will not recuse