Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread


Liz Cheney hilariously instantly walked that back


I saw Rep Luria getting interviewed today and did not like the talking points she was using. The host asked her if they believe Trump committed crimes and she responded with something like (paraphrasing), “What a low bar for a president: if he committed crimes. He took an oath to the constitution and did not do his duties” etc.

“Just gonna tell the facts” is what ol’ Bob Mueller did.

Is the regular headline writer on vacation?

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Well we don’t want them to rush.

This guy made the laughable error of thinking Joe Biden would appoint a real attorney general

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No can do. Prosecuting Republican crimes is theoretically nice, but vain attempts to restore Merrick Garland’s personal honor are way more important.

LOL the Republican wants to charge him and the eDem losers don’t

Can’t make this shit up


The eDems don’t want to appear political.

I’m used to thinking of assymetrical meaning bringing a gun to a knife fight.

Those guys have it completely backwards bringing a popgun to a howitzer fight.

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In a way, it makes it more effective to have Cheney (and other Republicans) take the lead on aggression. Played out similarly in Watergate.

The best partisan presentation is always going to be ineffective given this is all a political endeavor.

Hoo boy

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Wish this wasn’t paywalled. Cliffs?

“History is calling,” Clark told the president, according to a deposition from Donoghue excerpted in a recent court filing. “This is our opportunity. We can get this done.”


Some nobody tried to get trump to name him AG with the plan of telling Biden states to send alternate electors

This is the link posted as a #GiftArticle

click above should get full article.

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Best part of the article, imo:

Donoghue then told Trump that Clark had no qualification to be attorney general: “He’s never been a criminal attorney. He’s never conducted a criminal investigation in his life. He’s never been in front of a grand jury, much less a trial jury.”

Clark objected.

“Well, I’ve done a lot of very complicated appeals and civil litigation, environmental litigation, and things like that,” Clark said, according to Donoghue’s deposition.

“That’s right,” Donoghue said he responded. “You’re an environmental lawyer. How about you go back to your office, and we’ll call you when there’s an oil spill.”