Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread

Paging @SweetSummerChild


You all are on team Comey. If that doesn’t convince you that you’re wrong, then nothing will.

Ashlii says “hi”.

I think the catch here is that people that are less lazy and smarter than Trump are by and large more likely to see that it’s easier to get ahead playing the game within the nakedly corrupt system than it is to try to overthrow the system. Trump isn’t just lazy and stupid, he’s also such an emotional snowflake that his reaction to losing an election is “overthrow the government to protect my fragile ego”. The people that could theoretically pull off what Trump failed to do mostly would never try, because they’re not emotional toddlers.


Interesting take

Well, the thing is that it’s just a generalization. It only takes one person that is as narcissistic as Trump and smart enough to actually acheive their narcissistic goals. The thing is that in the real world, narcissism isn’t just a personal trait, it’s a disorder. Your average narcissist is failing because of their narcissism, not using it as some kind of success-driving cheat code. Remember that Trump was born rich. His personality hasn’t made him successful, he was given so much unearned wealth at birth that he basically couldn’t fail.

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I said your take was interesting, not wrong… Don’t you think most high level politicians are narcissists? I think many successful over achievers are. They just aren’t malignant where the symptoms of the disorder are nearly as severe as what Trump’s is

Clinically? No. Colloquially? Yes.

I’m not team Comey but scenarios where Trump declares himself king and everyone else goes along with it aren’t plausible. Another term for him will be horrible but then again so would any Republican president. The last Republican president before Trump gave us the $5 trillion dollar Iraq war.

Another peaceful tourist unfairly persecuted.


There’s also the cover of “he’s an idiot” that allows people to not take an overthrow threat as seriously as they would if, say, Tom Cotton was in the White House talking about blood and soil

So that’s one advantage being an idiot has

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Meanwhile, they all still believe wild fantasies about the rates of violence and destruction of 2020 and put quotes around “peaceful protests” and believe fiction about lack of prosecutions of 2020 protestors

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Sir you’re being paged to Discord, we’re doing scames again :vince2:


I googled this chowderhead to get my daily hit of schadenfreude and hooooo boy I was not disappointed:

Todd, 34, was originally charged in May 2022 with four misdemeanors. The government said he twice declined offers to plead guilty to a single misdemeanor. Instead, he opted to take his case to trial, then requested multiple continuances.

U.S. District Judge Beryl Howell had warned Todd that delaying his case would give the prosecutors time to keep investigating and possibly come up with more charges against him.


And in preparing for the trial, the government said it uncovered additional video that showed Todd assaulting officers…On Dec. 6, a federal grand jury indicted Todd on a felony charge — inflicting bodily injury on an officer — in addition to the four misdemeanor counts.


The grand jury then returned a second indictment on Jan. 17, adding a felony charge of obstruction of an official proceeding. Now, he faces more than 40 years in prison.

Vince McMahon has multiple orgasms in ring on Make a GIF

Goodbye, John Todd. Enjoy prison. You fucking moron.


That might be peak FAFO


I know it’s about first name and not surname, but I just love the clip.


He probably still thinks hes going to win at trial, even though Prosecutorial wins have to be 90+% here.

Holy shit how did nobody post this after the Tucker Carlson and Kyle Rittenhouse picture hit the internet?

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Glad he died before the tragedeighs