Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread

Maybe, but what is Trump without his idiocy? Someone smarter is unlikely to have the same appeal to other rubes and is more likely to be self-aware enough to feel shame.


would they have driven to DC to fight the swat teams? i am assuming DC police has all the tanks from Homeland security and transformer gear…

the vast majority of MAGA are larpers. sure they would love to sit on social media and live tweet the revolution. getting murdered isn’t on their agenda. you had tens of thousands in the capitol and none had the balls to go for it. they just wanted some selfies. bunch of facebook addicted drama queens.

What do you think happens nationwide if DC SWAT guns down 100s of MAGAs?

I don’t know, but I doubt it’s good. Waco, Ruby Ridge and Ashli Babbit are still huge rallying cries. Live stream a bloodbath of white middle-aged propane salesmen and aggrieved wellness moms will multiply those rallying cries times infinity.

And that’s of SWAT or the National Guard even pulls the trigger. What if they refuse?

Small fraction of millions is still thousands.

It’s quite the interesting Capitol hill you are willing to die on.

Random acts of mass shooting seem plausible. Not sure what else they could do?

What you’re saying is that anyone could do it and yet nobody has come close.

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No one has ever tried outside of Trump’s half-ass attempt.

If MAGA martyrs didn’t exist, MAGA would invent them. Might as well make them real martyrs instead of fictional ones and thin the gene pool a little.

Trying to avoid inciting MAGA is a losing strategy. They will boil over and we will have to deal with them.

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What caused Trump to give up on January 6th and tell everyone to go home?

Trump doesn’t like it when people disagree with him to his face. He’ll usually cave then retaliate or fire the person later.


So basically they were nagging him and he just got bored? Or he felt like if he kept his finger on the button too long it could get to a point where he couldn’t walk it back?

The first one, except his desire to not have unpleasant conversations outweighs his desire to stick to his plan.

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Maga Harold


No point pussy footing around folks who want to end democracy. What happens if 100 MAGA got murdered on J6? Maybe another 50 get murdered around the country when they fuck around and find out. The idea if you treat someone who is against you poorly they are still going to be against you isn’t a reason to let these idiots have a free run. I don’t see a MAGA group shooting up a capital building doing a lot for their recruitment or long term success.


I think a critical mass of law enforcement / military siding with MAGA is the only way they actually win. Unfortunately that feels like a legitimate possibility.

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This could apply to a lot of things in this era

It first showed up in talking about banning guns. “Oh we don’t want to make laws against banning guns because it will just make the gun owners mad” was spouted a lot.

Look at any of the Stone/Brannon stuff. Steven Miller. These guys are actively plotting a coup.

We can sit on our hands and trust that system and people will hold or we can take the necessary steps to limit the chance they even get a chance.


Assuming y’all are serious. If just trolling


you can’t really plan a coup anymore since Trump can only serve 2 terms but yeah bad stuff will happen if he is elected.