Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread

The Trumpers are vermin who are just going to keep coming unless you smack them down so hard they go into hiding for a generation.

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I think it would’ve gotten extremely ugly and very likely could’ve turned into a hostage situation with members of congress. But no way were they ever gonna take over the military or any part of government. Although I’m sure he would’ve tried, Trump just didn’t have enough backing from generals and other high ranking military officials this time around. If there’s a next time however, I do think it works

Every institutional check on power failed during the Trump presidency, I see no reason to believe that the ass-kissing generals would have done anything other than roll over in the face of a coup attempt.

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At the next debate, joe biden gives a passionate plea to america and describes how trump could have overthrown the government if he only did a few things differently. His team furiously scribbles down those notes for future use.


Seriously? The fact that some of them held is the only reason we’re not under dictatorship now


I agree a smarter, less fragile egotistic narcissist would’ve pulled it off the first time

No they didn’t. For example, the important one was upheld that night.

It helps imo to look at this through the lens of other countries. When Ortega bombed his own people in Nicaragua in 1979, it was the beginning of the end. If the army has to violently put down a rebellion on US soil, it would set of a chain of events that no one can predict, but almost all of them bad.


We’re not under dictatorship because Dan Quayle somehow convinced Mike Pence not to go along with the coup. The generals will roll over for Trump the same way the police and the courts rolled over, they’re not coming to save us.

I’m pretty sure most of the generals thought Trump was an enormous sack of shit and hated his guts. Again, something a future, smarter fascist will do better with, and then we’re really in trouble.

Everyone hates Trump, they still fall in line. He tells the military to kill an Iranian general and possibly start WWIII, they do that. I have more faith in the DC police stopping an insurrection, and we all saw how they fucked that up last time.

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I don’t know what you’ve been reading, watching, or hearing. The courts ruled AGAINST Trump 60 times on his election fraud claims. And he’s been losing bigly in court on other things ever since. Generals refused his request for a military parade. General Miley was outspoken about refusing illegal orders post election

I get your concern about Trump. But don’t parrot bullshit that just isn’t true and makes him appear stronger and more influential than he actually is


Yeah, I am also not sure I understand Tolley’s position here. Suppose that the rabble go for it on Jan 6th. They start shooting it out with the Capitol police and the Secret Service and defeat them and then proceed to start murdering congressmen and ultimately hang Mike Pence.

This leads to a hostage situation where we would expect the SWAT team, DC police and perhaps the Secret Service to come in and take them out. I don’t think that the military needs to get involved here…

What are the events that unfold following this that allow Trump to stay in power? Take us through it?

First two things are

1 no vote count
2 Marshall law (trump spelling)

Of course Milley was ready to non-comply but all kinds of shenanigans could have happened in DC and at the state level and essentially taken a military coup to oust Trump and restore regular government.

Imagine the Michigan militia clowns times 20 with at least a couple of states where the governor was in on it.

Now imagine 2029 where after 4 years of planning (21-24) and four years of eliminating people that could be obstacles like Milley (25-28). Yikes






I think that the election would have been certified by the surviving members of Congress w/o the vice president. This would have been challenged in court by Trump and he would have lost. Trump would have claimed that the election was uncertified until Biden gets sworn in and he is physically removed from the White House.

And what happens in the time interval of when all these things happen.

Armed MAGAs gonna sit on their hands? Do I think the good guys win in the end. Yes but the chance of losing is not 0 and their will be an awful lot of violence in the interim.

Everyone talking about this law and that law as something that would stop a coup

It’s like the beginning of the hand maid tale

“You can’t do this!”

Whelp. They did it.

We are just lucky that Trump is a lazy idiot. Someone smarter than him absolutely could have pulled it off.

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