Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread

still shocking to me that nobody on the maga side started a shoutout and go full revolution.

Hopefully all these folks going to jail

1 deters the next crowd
2 gets much better prep for 2025
3 At least we can be sure Ashliiii won’t be there next time.


“Ashli posed no threat to the safety of anyone,” the lawsuit states, going on to claim that she was “ambushed” by the officer.

The lawsuit also argued that Byrd was “not in uniform,” “did not identify himself as a police officer” and did not issue a warning before opening fire.

Ambushed lol, fuck outta here.



How can you be that close, that crazy and not go for it?

Watching those videos for the first time in a couple years is willld. I think I kind of made myself forget how bad that day was.

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Really is crazy

HBO has a documentary

I remember watching it all unfold live that day. I was babysitting my 2 year old niece and my mom was at the hospital having a majory surgery. It was a very surreal several hours nervously waiting to hear from my parents, trying to follow the livestreams and UP thread, and keeping my niece entertained and unaware of my multifaceted levels of concern.

I remember actually feeling fear and sorrow for the front line police officers, which was weird. The hell they went through that day was remarkably scary. Just all around such a wild moment in history. And the leader of the pack is now the favorite to be re-elected president in 10 months time.

Retweeted by Al Snow: Saturday Night!


Hot take: We’d be better off if the insurrectionists had been more successful on 1/6. If the Capitol had actually fallen, and the military had to come in and wipe them out, we might have actually gotten Trump in a jail cell. Instead we just sped up the frog boil.

That Hawley, Cruz, etc held the line for the insurrectionists, and McConnell didn’t have the guts to take Trump out, still blows my mind.


I don’t think McConnell had the votes.

Immaterial. He had an obligation and a duty to try.

The thin blue line

Nothing good could have come of the Capitol falling.

Either the military doesn’t wipe them out, which is bad and could literally have turned into some kind of coup. Or the military does wipe them out, and it becomes a rallying cry for ever like Waco and Ruby Ridge times infinity.

What happens when Trumpers take over all govt buildings and the National Guard refuses to shoot them? They’re basically in power at that point and the legitimate govt is like the Supreme Court with no actual powers of enforcement. Although I guess the military doesn’t have to do what the Trumpers say. But their negotiating power will be enormous.

This is literally Civil War stuff where normal citizens who don’t want to be ruled by Trumpers will have to take up arms against them.

I dunno, if they were to have successfully hanged Mike Pence or beat the shit out of a few Congresspeople or something like that it would’ve been a lot harder to whitewash it. I think they would’ve insta nuked Trump if any of that happened. That plus they already rally around it and the “stollen” election so that factor is pretty whatever.

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Civil War 2.0