Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread


well sure ted bundy killed 30+ women but most of the people he ran into at the grocery store or whatever, well he didn’t kill them! Mostly fine in the vast majority of his interactions with other humans!


I’m just reporting one lawbro’s opinion. That’s how he rationalizes it.

A moving, heartfelt, contrite statement from Powell here. She has clearly learned her lesson and is wracked with remorse, so it’s time to move on.

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AKA Bullhorn Lady. I remember the big search for her identity in Twitter sleuth-land.

Before the pandemic, Rachel Powell, a forty-year-old mother of eight from western Pennsylvania, sold cheese and yogurt at local farmers’ markets and used Facebook mostly to discuss yoga, organic food, and her children’s baseball games.

Organic crunchy yoga moms turning into super hardcore Trumpers has been one of the weirder outcomes of the last decade.

Powell said that she derived her beliefs “a little bit from everywhere,” and that she was not a follower of any mainstream news source. “You can go online, go on Facebook now, and dig up a thousand different links about it,” she said, of the election-fraud conspiracy theories. She said that Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s personal attorney, had been a significant source of information, and that she had watched remarks he gave in Gettysburg, on November 25th, during a widely discredited state-senate committee hearing in which he and several witnesses made baseless claims of voter fraud. “That was pretty moving to me,” she said. “I learned a lot from Giuliani and people’s testimonies.”


There’s a little bit of horseshoe theory going on here. Not necessarily the traditional political spectrum but there’s been a subset of people who are more open to conspiracy theories and think that “the mainstream media is lying to me” types. Up until 2020 anti-vaxxers tended to be well off people in urban/suburban areas like SoCal an the PNW. I don’t think these people hold traditional right wing views, but they are very open to Trump’s anti-establishment message and rhetoric, even if all his actions are just the worst the traditional GOP has to offer.

Is it really true that these people were the majority of anti-vaxxers a few years ago. Or does that type simply get more attention.

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Yeah in the New Yorker piece it seems like Covid is what really radicalized her, but a lot of the seeds were there before that. After Covid she was super-receptive to election conspiracy stuff.

Its satanic panic entrapment. Those who fell for it in the 80s and 90s were generally at home, most likely lefty soccer moms.

From the article Huene posted in the LC thread:

Meanwhile, the Right knows the power of addition. For Steve Bannon, his new War Room regular Naomi Wolf is just one more wedge he can use to peel pandemic-aggrieved suburban ​“wellness moms” away from the Democratic Party, just as he’s pulled the ​“white working class” toward Trump.

pandemic-aggrieved suburban wellness moms

That phrase reminds me of this:

I was just thinking it would make a great name for an all female metal band

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I agree with this. Extreme leftists gobble up left drivel just as fast as the far right does. I got trounced in these forums by gullible unthinking leftists for simply questioning covid stuff that didn’t make sense (and a fair amount of non covid stuff as well). Neither side likes pushback or to be questioned by skeptics and that’s a petri dish for conspiracy theories starting imo

There are conspiracy theories on both the left and the right, but it’s delusional to think that there is any equivalency.


Agree. Not saying it’s comparable, just that both sides are very slow to look outside their own herd for answers

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This never happened.


What do your farts smell like to you? Roses right?

The year is 2024, nobody thinks you’re cool for saying both sides are bad anymore, it’s not a profound observation.

Both sides are rarely both 100% right about every fucking thing. Only closed minded simpletons don’t understand this (and/or people who don’t know what year it is)

This is true, but one side is 100% wrong about every fucking thing.

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wow omg wait what? Hold on, I have going through my life thinking I was 100% right about everything all the time. Thank you for setting me straight cactus! You are very intelligent.