Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread

I legit don’t know how someone can be a lawyer in the US knowing the entire system you serve is a top to bottom fraud.

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I asked a similar question to a lawbro I know in real life. He basically said that that shitty Trump judges are only really terrible on the hot button issues like abortion, voting rights, etc. In day to day practice, these are a small minority of cases that come before these judges. For most of these other things he says that even these shitty moron judges are relatively impartial and mostly fine.

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It’s the living in the closet. Makes them duplicitous


I’d think it would be hard to work in criminal law either as a prosecutor or defense attorney. My sister recently got her lawn degree and works in corporate law. I guess she still works for the man, but I’m so relieved she’s not a prosecutor

What’s nuts is that it’s so in your face. They don’t even try to hide it

She got a gig at Four Seasons?


Edit: I didn’t see my spelling mistake of lawn for law. That was a funny post and I apologize for my response to it


Shots fired

Well, that escalated quickly.


Waiting for the realisation.

This might help.


I want to see the original attack post that escalated things.

I thought it was an out of the blue insulting attack on my sister. I didn’t realize I had spelled lawn for law. In light of that, it was actually a pretty funny reply so I apologized and deleted my response


Yes. I’m familiar with the Four Seasons landscaping fiasco :roll_eyes:

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Cactus getting prickly!


I realize that, but I wanted to see your rage post in response that I missed.

Check your pms

I don’t seem to have anything new or unread? I also don’t know how to DM you because your profile is hidden

Me too, I missed it.

I was talking to bigt24k. I did not DM you.

Jesus… Dumb and sorry

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