Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread

All hail cactus. The fairest of the fair. Nobody is more impartial than him. Nobody tells the truth like him. All us sheep just believe what the media tells us, but only a human like cactus, who posses the most special of all brains, can comprehend things from all angles and come up with the correct solution. We all owe cactus a debt of gratitude for setting us straight. We lived our life one way until this day, and now we begin anew, with the knowledge that both sides aren’t correct 100% of the time. Thank you cactus, a beacon of hope in a dark world.

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You’re welcome but I bet you would’ve came up with it eventually on your own. Just not for a long while

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And I don’t even think it’s very good as far as bad rationalizations even go

Judges fuck with people in “ordinary” cases constantly. Civil and criminal. Some of the absolute worst psychopaths run for judge in the places they’re elected

Don’t cal them leftists. They don’t like that


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Just not true man. These soccer mom Q peeps are stupid people. This forum has a lot of intelligent people. There is no comparison

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I can’t prove it, but I’d be willing to bet that any people as a group have a lower IQ than the sum of individuals (including Internet forums)

I just think it’s dangerous to speak in sweeping terms like one side is wrong 100% of the time or are all stupid, etc.

Do you really think every Trump supporter or soccer Q mom is dumb? Dumb is a convenient word to use, but is it the correct one?

Some Trump supporters are not dumb. They may just be bad people.

I’m having a really tough time classifying any QAnon/Pizzagater/etc as anything but dumb. I’m open to suggestions for alternatives or reasons that my classification is inaccurate.


It’s hard to define dumb because at one point Ben Carson was probably the best neurosurgeon in the world and then you have to rationalize that with the shit coming out of his mouth recently.

IME there’s two types of conspiracy theorists. Ones who are legit just stupid and will believe anything that helps conform to their world view. Then you’ve got ones that spend hours online “researching” the depths of QAnon or Pizzagate, looking at blueprints of buildings or what not. Their brain is quite capable of complex problem solving but somehow it’s been misguided towards this completely fictional problem that they can somehow explain in great detail and have logical explanations for a lot of it.


Republicans are dangerous and it’s necessary propaganda to use language that vilifies them, even if “not all Republicans”.

I’m on the fence about this. I used to think shaming racists was the way to go. I actually liked Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” comment. But I also think it served to fortify votes for Trump and helped him win the election. Most people don’t respond well to insults (myself included). If you insult me, I don’t normally look much past the insult unless I already have reason to respect your opinion. Otherwise, I think people just dig in further and the chance for changing minds or reasoning with people intelligent enough to be receptive is gone

A lot of the MAGA crowd are a special breed. They’re self-activating in their culture of outrage. It doesn’t matter if you say something that offends them because if you didn’t, they’d just find something else, making it up if necessary. So you might as well say whatever activates people on the center-left and not care about how it affects right-wingers.

The goal should be to make people who find Trump abhorrent to dig in and make their electoral choices based on what minimizes MAGA political power.

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anyone that has a WWGOWGA or whatever sticker on their bigass suburban is absolutely a lock to be a fucking moron

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Name or ban

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Me :)


The reason you insult racists isn’t to change the racist’s mind. It’s to other the racist so other people steer clear and deter the racist from pushing his agenda in that venue.


I’ve heard this rationalized as brain surgery is just the ability to thread a needle thru an eye really fucking well and doesn’t really take a lot of brains but shrug I’m not one.

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His point was they they generally rule according to the law in these “ordinary” cases (i.e., not really much different from a liberal judge), I suppose it is possible he is just mistaken about that. Also we were specifically talking about federal judges appointed by Trump. Elected judges in some podunk town is a whole other story.

I remember reading something about this a while back. This was probably never true. He rose to fame for doing cases that no one else would do because they were deemed to risky. When he did them, a lot times, the bad things that were predicted to happen, did in fact happen. But these were surgeries for conditions that were fairly dire, so his patients were often willing to try and fail than not try at all.

A few times, he did bink a good result. That’s not too surprising, if you keep taking longshots, then eventually some will hit.

Of course, even an average neurosurgeon is quite intelligent, so whether he was the literal best or not is not relevant to your point.

WASHINGTON — Nearly three years ago, a young professional in the nation’s capital was sitting in her apartment after the Jan. 6 attack and saw that the FBI was looking for help identifying the rioters who stormed the U.S. Capitol. So she opened up the Bumble dating app, changed her political beliefs to conservative and got to swiping.

The woman reached out to several Donald Trump supporters who the app showed were in the Washington, D.C. area, hoping to elicit confessions from those who had flooded into the city because they believed his lies about the 2020 presidential election.

The woman referred to as "Witness 1” in Taake’s FBI affidavit has previously recalled how “comically minimal ego-stroking” from her led Trump supporters to give her information about their activities on Jan. 6.

Her strategy, she said, was saying "Wow, crazy, tell me more” to guys on repeat until they gave her enough for her to send their information to the FBI.

In Taake’s case, Witness 1 stumbled on his profile and started asking him questions and found he was very willing to brag to a woman he’d just virtually met. NBC News has viewed screenshots of messages Taake and the woman exchanged in the app.

“Were you near all the action?” she asked.

“Yes,” Taake replied. “From the very beginning.” He sent along a selfie he took shortly after being pepper sprayed.