**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Not Abram Fromanov!

Some armed guys running amok through Vienna right now. One police officer shot so far, one perpetrator killed.

Yeah, it seems pretty bad but Iā€™m hoping a lot is just the usual slightly hysterical misinformation.

Another synagogue attacked it seems.

Police are saying multiple dead including one police officer and one attacker. One attacker arrested. Unclear if there are more attackers.
Itā€™s considered a terror attack.

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Synagogue was closed, so itā€™s not clear if thatā€™s the motivation.

There may be multiple hostages in multiple areas

Edit:- That may be false reporting with the panickingā€¦

The shooting seems to have took place on the street where the main synagogue is located.

at first i thought Vienna, VA. dammit, 15 injured.

The reporting says it happened ā€œnear a synagogueā€ which could mean anything from right next to it to several blocks away. There have been shootings reported in six locations. This makes it harder to identify a clear attack target right now.

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Seems like a kinda weird pivot (JC going more political? Crooked looking to go more non-political post election?), but Iā€™m intrigued.

Had he done anything besides binge mode in the last 2 years? I like him, but his content had gotten stale.

Are you not familiar with the Emmy award winning (seriously, they have an Emmy for this) NBA desktop?

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I like the NBA but donā€™t consume a ton of content on it, just not enough free time.

That @netw3rk guy is the same guy who hosts the Binge Mode podcast with Mallory Rubin

How is Lily from the AT&T ads so amazingly awesome, yet the AT&T ads themselves so terribly awful and stupid and unwatchable? Sheā€™s being terribly underutilized in them and I hate it. I hope it doesnā€™t negatively affect her career.

Yep. I have only a casual interest in Thrones and Potter, so Iā€™ve skipped a lot of Binge Mode, but I respect his hustle and think heā€™s a pretty decent hang when it comes to pods and utubez

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Pretty sure Rivermanā€™s an admin.

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Well this explains a lot about why Danielson and Pappas didnā€™t fire back - they were piss drunk.

Jesus - Reihnol was 3 years younger than me and Danielson was half native American. Craziness.

This whole article is amazing. I tracked this shooting on real time in twitter and saw some video that was quickly taken down of Pappas running away from the scene saying ā€œIā€™m going to fucking kill youā€ - which I still havenā€™t seen resurface. Danielsonā€™s backstory is about what I would have pictured except for being half indigenous. Reihnol being 47 and a father of two was not remotely what I pictured. It definitely sounds like he as murdered by the US Marshalls.

I messaged an old hs buddy about how his HS music choices influenced me and then he told me he likes my FB posts but believes the cops were right in Breona Taylor case. da fuk?!

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