**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread


Maybe heā€™s fan of the poet he was named after.

Dutch (semi-)subway carriage crashes trough bumper block and a piece of art saves its driver (there were no passengers on board):


Or, you know, maybe heā€™s a bell-end who likes being called

Iā€™ve got the new Xbox coming in a week, I donā€™t really need 2 consoles so I was going to donate my one x somewhere. I initially thought a childrenā€™s hospital, but is there a better place that doesnā€™t take in billions in profit a year?

What about Childā€™s play? They specialize in getting games to underpriveledged children.



This is like Speed meets The Boys S2E3

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Was searching home improvement stuff and landed on the forum for The Villages and jesus christ. Did we know that existed?

That is a pretty funny description of the libertarian telling of libertarians in the 60ā€™s


Need TR on whatever political forum they have stat.

Thereā€™s no ā€œpolitical discussionā€ allowed. As far as I can tell itā€™s a catch-all non-Villages discussion subforum and its sub-sub Current Events and News with all of the dog/train whistling. Here are some threads:

Some Answers To Why Police Shootings Are The Way They Are

The FBI trained us that if someone is life-threatening (to you or someone else) and you decide you to shoot, you shoot until the threat is ended . Only in Wild West movies does someone shoot to knock the gun out of the bad guyā€™s hand or shoot to wound.

I asked a question. How do you know when to shoot? The FBI agent handed me the fake gun and said I was an FBI agent and I just caught a bad guy (him) robbing a bank. As the bad guy, he walked across the room away from me and put a fake gun to his head. I yelled, ā€œFBI, drop the gun.ā€ He started yelling he was going to kill himself and walked toward me with the gun at his head. In less than the blink of an eye, as he got 10 feet away, he turned the gun on me, shot me, and said ā€œYouā€™re dead.ā€ I had been ready to pull the trigger the moment he made a move. But I am now a dead FBI agent.

Tisk tiskā€¦ NBA finals viewership

NBA viewership keeps sinking: Game 2 of NBA finals was reportedly the least-watched NBA finals game on record. Article link below.

People make choices. Pro sports (especially NBA) wants to focus on police brutality. I believe there needs to be a more balanced discussion of ā€œblack lives matter.ā€ I believe a discussion of the killing of blacks in the inner city is a more relevant discussion.

Maybe LeBron will be a little more attentive if ratings tank. Just like heā€™s a little more concerned with his own and the leagueā€™s bottom line than fundamental human rights. LeBron has deep, lucrative ties to China because of his partnership with Nike, which does considerable business there.

In the things-you-will-be-totally-shocked-to-hear category,

We had a political forum which was closed then brought back then closed again. The mods couldnā€™t keep up with the vitriol.


(Posted with original formatting and errors.)

Health Care and govt. system nanagement

I was in the Caribbean some months ago and struck up a 2 week long friendship with a very nice and $ well off Canadian couple.
During one of our kindly talks
Bill points his finger at my wife and me. He then proceeds to tell me
ā€œ you Americans have to fix your healthcare systemā€ he goes on to tell us how terrible and unfair it is He informs us that Canadian Socialized Medicine was the only answer.
(Bill and his wife collect 19th Century Art as a hobby and live in Toronto, Canada.)
I asked Bill if he ever had gotten a
MRI. He replied yes. I asked where he got it. He said Buffalo,Ny.
Why i asked him, He told me the wait time was to long in Toronto and he could not wait.
I expected this answer because I have Canadian relatives, one of which had broken her arm and it was days before she could get an X-ray. She could not afford a trip to Buffalo and was not able to pay out of pocket.
On PBS A COUPLE DAYS AGO and less than 6 days to election I heard an interview regarding the terrible state of affairs in our country and who is to blame.
The focus then shifted onto the sad state of affairs in Canada and who in our current government was to blame.
I thought the interviewee was a Canadian govt. official.
I was surprised to learn that it was actually a NEW YORK CONGRESSMAN
He complained that Buffalo NY
Had already suffered an excess of TEN MILLION DOLLARS lost medical services income because Canadians were blocked by Canadian govt officials and not crossing the boarder to seek health care.
Itā€™s not rocket science. Be careful
What you ask for.

Some things are perfectly predictable like single payer cautionary tells taking the form of childrenā€™s fables and filled with anecdotes that some rat licker pulled from a MAGA fever dream or Karl Rove chain letter. Iā€™m always prepared for the last word to be Einstein.


Did anyone try to reply that the post is complete BS?

Now thatā€™s what I call a fluke ending.

Stolen from Paul Krugman, but made better.

Oh Iā€™m glad you asked about replies. Here are the ones so far:

Interesting to speak to people living in other countries and ask about the quality of their health care.

Govt control is often rationing of health care.

One Canadian told us that they delay treatment hoping to save money if by waiting the patient passes before getting treatment.

Freudian slip in title of this thread. You meant ā€œnannystategementā€

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This is amazing.


Not as amazing as this headline.

Iā€™ll take your Barcelona curfew and raise you a Sausage King killed with a crossbow.

Randall Simon strikes again!


Lol thats a deep cut man.

I knew someone would get it.