**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread


Honestly, if you bought a Paltrow vagina candle you deserve whatever molten hazards come your way.


Can’t be fussy during a lockdown :heart_eyes:


Paging @clovis8

someone had to


(Court tossed the SF school renaming resolution.)

I think this is better for LC, so I’ll post it here.

Can you flesh this out a bit? If a person wants to only have sex with Asians in their personal life, then it’s not racist. But if they only want to have sex with Asians at work, then it is racist? Did I get that right?

Lolololllolooool. These people are too much.


You are conflating a bunch of things. I’m not trying to be rude but I don’t see anyway this is a productive discussion. I’m going to pass.


Come on, it’s the LC. Productive really isn’t the point.

I’m kinda grunching, but I find Skyline Chili gift cards make excellent gifts


I like Matty but the economics of journalism are completely broken.


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Lol Steve Mnuchin.

That’s almost as embarrassing as the “self-published” book she wrote about her time in Africa that was, shocker, full of lies.




I mean, this is the same party that is wasting government resources to mandate stickers of lies at gas pumps in Ontario and pump out a social media blitz against a Netflix cartoon movie for attacking the oil industry in Alberta. This is who they are.

People who created this survey have never been to any of those four countries. Guaranteed.

I didn’t look now, but some of the questions are very good for Scandi countries - like are you worried about healthcare or something. There’s another happiness index around that has countries like Costa Rica and Panama on top. Bhutan also in some ways. I don’t think the happiness report is really measuring whether people are like smiling, laughing, having a good time kind of happiness.

Honestly that seems like a purer measure in a lot of ways. I mean if you don’t even give a shit about whether you have access to good health care (for example), you have attained a pretty high level of happiness.

Some of the happiest people on self-report measures are the mentally handicapped.