**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Lol Steve Mnuchin.

That’s almost as embarrassing as the “self-published” book she wrote about her time in Africa that was, shocker, full of lies.




I mean, this is the same party that is wasting government resources to mandate stickers of lies at gas pumps in Ontario and pump out a social media blitz against a Netflix cartoon movie for attacking the oil industry in Alberta. This is who they are.

People who created this survey have never been to any of those four countries. Guaranteed.

I didn’t look now, but some of the questions are very good for Scandi countries - like are you worried about healthcare or something. There’s another happiness index around that has countries like Costa Rica and Panama on top. Bhutan also in some ways. I don’t think the happiness report is really measuring whether people are like smiling, laughing, having a good time kind of happiness.

Honestly that seems like a purer measure in a lot of ways. I mean if you don’t even give a shit about whether you have access to good health care (for example), you have attained a pretty high level of happiness.

Some of the happiest people on self-report measures are the mentally handicapped.

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Are they able enough to actually do a survey?

Is getting York’d similar to getting Borked?

Barely, apparently.

Denmark is 8th in antidepressant consumption per capita. Sweden is 6th. 42% of households in Germany are single-person households. Finland has 2.61% population with alcohol disorders (not just consumption, but people getting treatment).

I don’t think happiness is a good description of what they are measuring where these countries place very high.

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I know this is fucked up but America is the happiest country I’ve ever been to.

I agree with all of this.

Having said that, if anti-depressants make people “happier”, I think one could reasonably argue that should count (although I wouldn’t)

Obviously happy terrible people absolutely crush my mental health on a daily basis.


Unsurprising though in my experience physics > engineering > math professors in the ranking of academic jerks.

This thread went to some unexpected places.



Having kids means less happiness? That’s bizarre. It certainly adds stress, but the childless people I know are so neurotic. Perhaps the key to happiness is to get married and have dogs and pretend they are children. Those people are sickeningly happy.

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I mean, for much of human history, having many kids was awesome because of cheap labor. But these days, kids are a massive sink of time and money and emotional labor. It’s rewarding to have someone to care for and to watch grow and develop, but it’s not clear that it’s worth the costs on balance until, well, maybe the kids being out of the house finally? Grandkids? Your kids help take care of you when you get old? I love my kids, and I had them to embark on one of life’s great if not greatest adventures, but am I happier right now with them than I’d be with a lot more money and time and flexibility and sanity to spend on me and my wife? It’s hard to say.

The dogs get a lot of attention but I wouldn’t say we treat them like children, but yeah married with 2 dogs and no kids and couldn’t be happier.

I do know that I would enjoy life less if I had a child and since I don’t really care about any of the positives wookie mentioned I think it’s best to keep them out of our lives for now