**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Spend time in a wal mart or grocery store or poorer part of town. The people with kids are more often miserable.

You know, nano should move out when she wants and has some place cool to go, but Iā€™m definitely not pushing for that. I think this is one of the ways our culture is screwed up and ā€¦ from the linkā€¦

Most of the studies reporting this finding have relied on data from the United States, and a recent analysis of data from 22 countries by sociologist Jennifer Glass and colleagues puts American results in perspective.1 Nowhere is the parental happiness gap larger than in the United States. Indeed, American parents are notably less happy here than are their Anglophone relatives in England and Australia. In some countries, most notably Norway and Hungary, parents are actually happier than non-parents.

And the whole study was for OECD countries. And thatā€™s a sample of effed up alienated people living warped lives.

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Do your dogs wear clothes?

An odd value judgement. Some people are happier with kids, some without.

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I told nano you told her to move out and she said ā€œsnoreo? Iā€™d like to see him try to make me!ā€


Settle down. Iā€™m saying all of us in modern industrial society are living warped lives, not just you.

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My lifestyle is 100% unwarped, rest of you all are weirdos.

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Kids are the best thing ever once they get past the barf/poop-machine/random-meltdown stage. Somehow adopting a well-adjusted kid at about age 3.5 would be the ultimate hack of the system.

Dating single moms where you can check out the kid as well before committing yourself is kind of a hack. But when it goes bad with the mom you just lift right out of the kidā€™s life.

I have a ton of freedom right now because I never had kids, but in all sincerity I look at that as a consolation prize. The 11 years I did have a kid in my life was the most rewarding thing Iā€™ve ever done.



End of several eras.

York put out a pretty meh statement, but it looks like the prof is donezo. Basically, ā€œweā€™ve initiated the appropriate procedures under the collective bargaining agreement.ā€ Ie, weā€™re terminating him.






When I posted the happiest countries thing I wasnā€™t expecting such revealing posts. Very interesting how different people see the balance between health, wealth and having kids.

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Cuba (if you exclude the unseen political prisoners) and then parts of West Africa are by a long way the happiest countries Iā€™ve ever been to.

Europe and the US arenā€™t even worth mentioning apart from one class - parts of rural France and Italy for example.

Obviously the climate plays a large part - if you took Cuba or Southern Italian villages and moved them into the Arctic Circleā€¦ - but itā€™s far from the whole picture.

People who talk about money (beyond a certain level) bringing them happiness have totally lost the plot and are generally the ones whoā€™ve never ventured far from base.


The level of optimism I see among my fellow Americans is unlike that of any other place Iā€™ve been. Everything is shit but thereā€™s always some hope to be found in the future there.

I also think that thereā€™s an inverse correlation between wealth and hospitality towards strangers. Itā€™s totally unscientific but itā€™s something Iā€™ve noticed in my own experience.

Who do you think you are!? I am!


Not unless itā€™s a special occasion, hmmm

My wife is an economist who works with data like the Gallup thing to try and persuade governments to use things wider than e.g. GDP as statistical measures of their policies. They use more than happiness, but itā€™s one of the measures and Gallup is considered the best at subjective reporting of that sort of thing.

On kids, she often repeats the fact that parents score lower than average if you ask them something like, ā€œare you happy now?ā€ But higher than average if you ask something like, ā€œare you satisfied with your life?ā€ Now I am a parent I can tritely say that that sounds about right.

(I never tell her about these stories appearing as she just gets annoyed that all that makes it into the mainstream press is whoā€™s top of the happiness league.)



This reminds me of my childhood German shepard who chewed bricks all day long & everyday we took it from him only for the dog to get another and for weeks & weeks we tried to discover were he got them from to no avail, then one summers morning we found his stash, he was digging them up from the bottom of the walls loosening our back garden walls, amazing tbh.

We tried to give him everything too from sticks to balls to chewy dog stuff and he still preferred the bricks. :sweat_smile:


so youā€™re saying that the idea that people are getting the treatment they need isnā€™t connected with aggregate happiness???