**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread


great argument that candyland was a brilliant solution to a particular problem but it’s undeniable that it’s a terrible game for typical children today.


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If this is a pair of scissors then what’s the bottom pick?


A brace of scissors, ezgame.


What's the Singular of 'Scissors'? | Merriam-Webster).


Asking people how they feel about something has always been a terrible way to get insights into anything. Your answers back are always an impenetrable amalgamation of their actual feelings PLUS impacts of various social pressures on what people think they’re supposed to feel PLUS impacts of various self imposed psychological barriers people have to accepting their own feelings.

Basically, these studies are exhibits in “garbage in / garbage out” theory.


This is a good idea but you have to be on the lookout for governments that really are just seeking the most successful propaganda techniques to dupe the population into feeling good without raising taxes.

Driving this morning, saw a office building which was actually named “2400 Park Avenue Building” and thought “building” is a dumb word, like imaging if we called a lawn mower a “mowing” or phone a “talking”

english is awful

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While I doubt she’d agree with just how down on subjective measures your post about them was, then her team works with a ten point framework, of which I think only one is a subjective measure (might be two).

And, yeah, the motivations of the governments who want to work with it is also big factor in terms of how useful it actually then is.

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Those aren’t analagous, though, like we might call a mound of mown grass a ‘mowing’ or ‘mowings’ (compare ‘shavings’) and we will give someone a talking-to etc. It’s called a building because it’s the product of an act of building, not a tool for building.

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Yeah. I think there’s some happiness index out of Bhutan that is more stat heavy and less reliant on polling the masses.

it doesn’t matter, either of those are dumb. building is a gerund. It should indicate the act, not the product.

Now do ‘shavings’, ‘leavings’, ‘morning/evening’, ‘awning’, ‘railing’ etc.

yes thsoe are all bad

I think maybe you’re just confused about English lol.

wait, morning and evening aren’t derrived from verbs/gerunds

how so

like if your point is “this is how english works” I am not at all confused about that. pointing out that something is dumb and should be better is not the same as being confused by it.

The usual problem with composite indices is that if you combine 10 measures into an index, you actually have at least 9 subjective variables, being the weights you give the different components. This is actually why GDP is such a good measure. You can easily add up the production of a car and the production of a ballpoint pen, because the economy conveniently labels them with a common unit of value (the price) that you can just add up (but for inflation…). There’s no obvious way to add producing a car and a year of life expectancy though. I’m sure there’s some process you can use, but it’s very very reasonable to be concerned that it imports intentional or subconscious bias into the output.