**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

You’re telling me that this entire word-form ‘should’ be something else for (???) reasons. But the only two examples you’ve cited in support are completely disanalogous.

Fascinating stuff guys



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JFC, dude, how thick are you? gerunds should describe acts, not tools that are use for acting OR products of acts.

How did this error come to be?

They don’t produce an Index to my knowledge, and I actually sold them short in that they have 15 things tracked.

(If by index we mean some sort of composite measure of the different dimensions of data. I am not a statistician, in case that’s not obvious)

Should be linked to the relevant joke at 0:17.

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finally someone gets it

Yeah, I think a better government support system and stronger parental guarantees for workers would go a long way towards making American parents happier.

Then what do you call children?


It was a joke and the answer was ‘fucking’.


Clearly, but I chose to power through by providing a term for children that identifies them as the product of an act of progeneration.

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Well, it’s still not too late for you. And 3.5 yrs seems like a small price to pay for that much fulfillment.

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Stealing a Richard Herring joke, he refers to kids as sexcrement.


I thought that’s what Santorum was.

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I’m squirming on behalf of your “kids” in case they read that.

Worlds collided. I can’t pass on all my dumb jokes.



One of the things I’ve learned from listening to I Don’t Even Own a Television is that there’s a rich body of literature in which right-wing slapdicks Mary Sue themselves as men’s action heroes and it’s cracks me up every time.

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Your perspective is very different. In America there’s a presumption that children will move out when they can and a perception that the longer it takes the bigger failures they are. My kids don’t/won’t feel guilty for moving out (the oldest (21) is already out), but I don’t have any reason to want them to leave other than for their own fulfillment and I certainly don’t want them moving out just to prove to anyone, including themselves, that they can. They should go if they have something better to do, but not just because they can scrape together the $1k/month it takes to rent out a bedroom in someone else’s house in CA - or $2k/mo it takes to get a studio apartment.