**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Another madman from the time…this one had a couple of hits…the well-known Cor Baby That’s Really Free and this one…

Beware Of The Flowers

(Because I’m Sure They’re Gonna Get You, Yeah)

Looking back at that period gives an insight into how quickly things changed back then. What was in one year was quite likely out the next.

Otway recently said he was regarded as too mad in 1976 and was largely ignored, but then punk broke in 77 and suddenly he found himself embraced by the new movement with other mad singers; then in 78 when being crazy dropped out of favour and the more serious New Wave took over he was outcast again.

What’s really striking is how distinctive much of the music of the 60s-70s was, as if people were less afraid to be themselves. A lot of the music of the counter-culture came from the squatting/anarchist “movement”, which enabled bands to live on the dole rent-free and gave them time to rehearse.

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LOL…Isn’t DC like a swamp 4-5 months out of the year?

I’m in NH, but I’m planning to retire to the DC area in a couple of years, in part to get out of winter weather.

Not anymore thanks to Trump.


Beyond the obvious data quality issues (I highly doubt there’s representative samples of sperm counts in 2021, much less in 1970), just assuming a continued linear drop as this article seems to do is really dumb.

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Nano didn’t know this, but likes it. Reminds me of the Toy Dolls.

eta: I guess Toy Dolls were retro - playing a style that was 4 years old.

Time to grow babies in farms like The Matrix.

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They voted trump in Charleston so fuck em, amirite?

Actually, “they” didn’t.

Yup, humid heat in the summer and humid cold in the winter. I don’t know how anyone north of here does it. If NH is what you’re coming from then the DC winter will feel like nothing.

Good god, don’t go to DC for the weather.


I lived in DC for a year - it’s the worst of everything for weather. There are like 10 nice days a year.



J/k… Kinda


I’m actually planning to move there because one of my kids lives there. The warmer winters and minimal snow are a bonus.

Go live with your other kids instead imo.

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These are examples of “it’s the thought that counts”. Cliche but true.

What are the rules on renouncing? Are you allowed to come back to visit?

You can.

I never bothered renouncing because it’s absurd to pay hundreds of dollars to give something away.

It’s $2,350. And it might take you almost a year to get an appointment to do it.

Can’t you just burn the Stars n Stripes while singing The Red Flag in front of a life size portrait of Fidel, and get them to do it for you for free?