‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

True. The mass murderer types are more random than serial killers.

If a dude gets shot there everyone is going to assume he was there for a rub and tug, whether it’s true or not. It’s been widely reported that that’s what the targeted places were.

@clovis8 , we don’t have to continue the argument if you are stopping, but I do want to make sure I am understanding you correctly.

Are you saying that if 2 white KKK members role played a white male slaveowner and a black female slave (as portrayed by the white female KKK member), if it is consensual role play sex, then it is not racist?

Black people consented to be minstrel performers. Still pretty racist!

^ Right Johnny. Sad but true.


Exactly. And I don’t need to go back and forth with Clovis, but I do want to point out that his consent argument is wrong, even without the racist angle.

I believe most of us think the above quote is wrong regarding a boss and assistant in the workplace, professor and student in the classroom, police officer and suspect in the back of a police car, etc, even if both parties consent. Consent does not make power balances disappear.

What about porn actors/actresses that won’t do scenes with others of certain races? Same question for sex workers not taking clients of certain races. Are those people racist?

There is no way to productively discuss an issue this complex online. People just want to talk extremes to win points.

Sexual consent is a complex nuanced thing, even more so when highly taboo social norms are mixed in.

There is no value in trying to discuss this online where everyone assumes the worst of every other poster and then stake their claims in the most extreme end of every spectrum.

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I normally agree with you, but I dont think anybody in this conversation has been out of line or over the top. It seems quite clear that the shooter’s fetishization of asian women (in a lot of cases likely without their consent) is racist at its heart. Whether he finds somebody to engage in that fetish with him in a consensual way or not does not remove the underlying inherent racism in the act or personal fetish itself. Wanting to dominate another race sexually, while that may be considered a taboo fetish or not, has an underlying basis in racism.

Just because a fetish is tied up in sexual moors or taboos does not make the person engaging in them pure of heart simply because they are acting on a fetish or taboo. Let’s not lose the forest for the trees. You can engage in a consensually fetishistic act and still be a fucking scumbag.


No doubt it’s difficult to discuss online.

I also feel that even though sex play that intersects with race connected role-playing can be done with consent and respect, I don’t know how relevant that is to this specific case. I’m not claiming that you, clovis, are saying it is. You are providing broader insight into sex, sex play, consent, fetish, etc.

Why I feel that consensual sex play is somewhere between tangential and irrelevant to this case is that the murderer wasn’t looking to participate in any kind of consensual activity.

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Also, Johnny makes good points as always. This guy (or any person) having such easy access to guns is outrageous, and expanding background checks would not change his ability to have gotten the gun. He was a good ole boy, stand up god fearing christian… until he wasnt. Which is exactly the problem and why guns have to be regulated far further than “Has the person wanting a gun ever committed a crime before.”

What about actors/actresses who won’t do scenes with those of a particular sex? Sexist?

I didn’t mean to suggest anyone was out of line so far. Just that in general this discussion has little chance of being productive.

For the record my claims here are general and not in any way related to the shooter.


Clovis has some unexpected views sometimes, so I figured I’d ask.

Bunch of John Wick wannabes out here

I can imagine someone trying to yank their gun away from the (continually mentioned) very strong magnets and blowing their own fucking heads off.

God damn we are the stupidest motherfuckers in the galaxy


Some of those guns seem awkwardly placed and positioned. Like I’m likely to drop the thing when the magnet lets go or it’s pointed in the wrong direction when I grab it. Maybe I need a gun so I can figure it out though.

They don’t believe they increased those chances, though.

People want to feel in control and some people feel that guns give them a sense of control. I’ve had a probability-based view of reality since long before I picked up poker. Many people are incapable of understanding that sort of worldview. They only acknowledge a COVID threat if it is something where you can say they are certain, or almost certain, to get COVID. Even then, some don’t acknowledge it as a threat if you can’t say that you are certain, or almost certain, to die.

I live in a dangerous neighborhood and own a weapon. No one else lives with me and I keep it locked up. NBZ nailed it, It makes me feel better that it’s there. There was an attempted murder in an armed robbery right down the street from me like a week ago. Lots of home robberies too.

And yea I know I need to move, working on it.