Nuclear Holocaust Strategies

If I was really into prepping:

Easy. Sex.

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I am in a suburb about 25-30 miles west of Manhattan. There are some “mountains” between nyc and us that would bear the brunt of a lower altitude explosion. If given 30 minutes I would probably try to grab what food water flashlights and candles I could and go to the basement. I would tell the family that we are staying there for 48 hours regardless of what happens since I think the worst of the fallout radioactivity dissipates in 2 days.

Probably still fucked but I think this is our best chance. After 2 days I’d go upstairs and figure out if it’s possible to get out and head west.

This should help get your strategy down

And your expected results

What is your strategy if you live in a city at least 100 miles from any top 100 population city and not near any military targets?

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Go back to bed?

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But what do you do for the next 28 minutes?


Go stock up on canned food and stuff before the stores run out?

Or maybe jump online and buy puts

Do you join the looting if everyone else is doing it? I still have a few dozen cans of pandemic beans.

I don’t know. If the worlds in total chaos and there’s no cashier to ring it out I would grab what food and necessities I could and go. If there’s a way to pay I would pay. I think if you’re not near a top 100 city there wouldn’t be immediate chaos in the first hour or so

Pay what to who? Civilization just effectively ceased to exist.

I’m not going looting. The earliest days will be the most dangerous to be out and about. Even if you score a bunch of food without getting shot, now you’re a prime target because you have a bunch of food.


Fun story. My grandma kept poison tablets in the bathroom for her and the kids in case they got the “4 minute warning”. This was living in london at the height of the cold war.

Not sure what the plan was exactly when the the alarm went off. But that’s not a great way to grow up for my mum.

Some of that was clearly passed on, because me and my bro also got to play the “vaders” game. Which was practicing how to hide and stay silent in case the invaders came.

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Also. This is my mandatory reminder that post apocalypse will not be completely without organisation and society.

People organize. They grab power. There will be some kind of rump state in every place.

I mean. You have more organisation in Mogadishu in the 90s than people expect in post apocalyptic US. The latter of which will have radio, lots of electricity via solar, and some kind of functioning network/internet up in a few days.


My leashed hyena and technical with the .50 cal agree with you. Hopefully the UN will still be functioning so I can steal their rice bags for my ever growing army.

Also. If the internet completely collapes. One of the most valuable things on the planet would be an offline copy of wikipedia

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Anyone know if there is an easy way to do this?

yea you could just save the html of the site and save it on a thumb drive, most likely


I think we’re talking about the 30 minutes before the bombs go off in a place they’re probably not hitting. I’ll bet a lot of society is carrying on as normal or even unaware in that time frame. I would just do what I could to be able to hunker down at home with my family for a couple weeks in case that is needed. I think assuming total immediate chaos and meltdown of social order is not the right move. Especially not for someone like me who has little kids to care for