Nuclear Holocaust Strategies

it’d be challenging for sure

That’s my take as well tbh. I guess if the nuclear exchange is limited trying to survive makes some sense right?

You may not know if it is or isn’t right away. I also assume we are fucked in okc regardless jwax with tinker and also fort sill and one other i can’t remember fairly close. So ya I’m just pouring a tall glass of my finest whiskey and smoking a blunt and waiting for sweet sweet death.

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Limited in like, Sum of All Fears false flag / terrorist attack? Sure. Hard to see a scenario where a NATO / Warsaw Pact ends short of civilization ending annihilation.

We live less than a mile from Tinker. Lol.

I think I’d count on all of the water that’s drivable to you being completely fucked at a week out. I dunno just guessing. But then let’s say after a ~week you need water. Where are you going for that? I’d guess any podunk MAGA town you might venture to that’s relatively “safe” from fallout would already be completely robbed / looted of its bottled water supply. And there isn’t any more coming.

But what if it’s kinda cool like Fallout? And you can always jump off a bridge or something if you decide that the apocalypse is kind of a bummer.


Sounds like your nuclear holocaust plans are already figured out lol.

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Get a motorcycle to have any chance with traffic. You have to survive day 1 for supplies to even matter.

Seems relevant:

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Die horribly, most likely.


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I will leash up my hyena, get in my technical with the .50 cal and drive around town looking for recruits for my warlord army.


Re: weapons, drive to the nearest home depot.


Find out how far away they would hit. If its anywhere remotely close I would drive as fast as possible towards the blast. Incinerate me baby, none of this “Die of radiation and exposure” bullshit for me.


The smart guys who watched Connections know that the smart play is to have an old-fashioned plow stored in a hidden cache somewhere.

There is absolutely no way you get anywhere being that close to LA. Streets will be clogged in minutes.

I would recommend a jet pack.

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I also seriously doubt you’re ever getting 30 minutes notice. For an all-out ICBM target situation, it’s likely you’d be aware that it’s a possibility days or weeks in advance. If it’s actually a surprise attack, I’d be surprised to see any warning at all. You’re never getting the full amount of time from heat signature recognized at launch site to detonation. Nuclear sub or some other short-range method in a decap strike is going to be no warning, but maybe that tips off that you should gtfo immediately.

Duck and cover. Or is that only for volcanoes?