Non-Political Ranting: Unleash Your Anger ITT

My wife does the same damn thing. I drag her every time.

And I grow corn, so we eat it often.

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Username checks out.


I chipped a front tooth last night and cooked corn on the cob after that, so I was lame and cut the kernels off of mine to be safe.


Immortal sketch, I wanted to look up, but never have, what is the formalish name for the rhetorical tactic of baselessly accusing your opponent of increasingly bad things?

Ok looked it up, this is kind of close

but that’s from 2013 and slightly more broad, I assume there is a fancier and much older term for what Mr. Fairsley is up to.

Rate 6 more products, and we’ll tell you a joke.

Amazon after I reviewed a pair of hiking boots. I’m slightly offended. Pay that man his money imo.

We need this woman in this thread:

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People are so fucked

It was a quality rant.

Don’t watch a video on how to make bean soup if you don’t like beans.


I can’t tell if it’s an act. If it is, job well done I guess. If it isn’t she needs to seek help. No way should a TikTok video on soup make a person that angry.

I think it’s real. We’ve all been that irrationally pissed off about something that shouldn’t piss us off that much. In fact, wasn’t there a thread here to that effect? She even admits that it’s dumb that she’s so mad.

“It’s called make any other goddamn sandwich that exists.”


Can someone explain to me why Home Depot has 100s of plants hanging in plastic containers, but refuse to sell anything remotely close to said plant hangers?

I refuse to buy a plant and throw it out just for the container.

Pretty sure you can buy those at my local garden store.

Shaking and crying right now (well, I’m actually sweating).

Got my daughter a Lenovo laptop end of May 2022. USB-C port stopped working this year, fortunately just under the 1-year warranty deadline, so it got fixed for free.

A month ago, so two months after the warranty expired, she used it at her desk to do her summer work for high school (fuck summer work, amirite), closed it, and went to bed. The next day, she opened it - still on the desk - and the screen was cracked.

Time to use Amex’s extended warranty coverage. Filed the paperwork and got an e-mail back saying they needed me to get a repair quote. Took the laptop to Microcenter, left it there for a couple days, they gave me a quote, and then I went back to get the papers to send to Amex.

Got an e-mail from Amex yesterday saying the claim was denied because they don’t cover “physical damage” (why is the USB port not physical?) “except to the extent the Original Manufacturer’s Warranty covers such physical damage”.

I looked up the official legal warranty documentation, read through it, didn’t see anything where it said physical damage doesn’t count. Misuse, abuse, accident, etc., isn’t covered, but that’s not the case here. It was fine one night, broken the next morning. I sent that to Amex with some notes.

Amex contacted Lenovo to verify and Lenovo said physical damage isn’t covered. BUT THE WARRANTY DOESN’T SAY THAT.

I called Lenovo today to get someone to show me exactly where the warranty says that. If I’m wrong, then fine, I can admit defeat. If I’m right, I need someone at Lenovo to give me something to give to Amex. First woman (it’s really hard to find someone to actually speak with) said I needed to speak with the premium care department, even though my premium care coverage expired after three months and isn’t applicable here.

So I called them (she gave me the wrong number, which was a car dealership, but I found the correct one). That guy said that he only deals with hardware and not warranties. Keep in mind each of these conversations was long. I’m perturbed and working up a sweat because I can’t sit still when I’m on the phone. He says to contact warranty support again.

Next guy finally seems to be directing me to something I haven’t seen before, but nope, it’s just what I’ve seen in a different place. It’s the “customer induced damage guide,” even though this wasn’t customer induced. He tried to say that maybe there was something on the keyboard when the laptop was closed, to which I said, a) there wasn’t, and b) that’s irrelevant because it can’t be proven one way or the other. He actually agreed.

Then…he pointed to the “misuse, abuse, accident…” clause, which is also in the official warranty .pdf, to which I, for the millionth time, reminded him that THAT doesn’t apply.

Then. THEN! This dude had the fucking balls to say, “Do you think your daughter tells you everything that goes on in her room?”

WHAT THE FUCK. I let him fucking have it. And after I laid into him, I once again implored him to show me where physical damage isn’t covered. He just kept pointing to the abuse clause. I told him to call me when he has kids to let me know how to raise them.

EDIT: I never yell at people on the phone. In fact, if I’m frustrated, I always tell them I know it’s not their fault and am very nice (I heard the first woman’s dog barking in the background told her it was cute and was cool she got to work from home, for instance). But in this case, I had to let it all out.


I wish I was pissed about bean soup.


well, I wouldn’t believe the story of I just went to sleep woke up and the screen cracked itself either.

He’s right though, with laptops cracked or broken glass/screen is considered accidental or customer induced damage and is not covered under a standard warranty. (I don’t know lenovo’s I just know that’s the standard) but they should specify that in the terms. He should’ve directly stated this.

He’s also right that she’s not going to tell you that she broke it (if that occurred).

He should not have said that however.

It’s not specified in the terms, so I’m right.

And in this case, my daughter would 100% tell me if it was her fault. She showed me as soon as she saw the problem and knows that shit happens sometimes. I’d be perturbed, but not mad. But it’s our word against theirs (I’m not even trying to get Lenovo to pay for anything, just show me where physical damage isn’t covered), so it’s not even worth debating.

I don’t want to, but I may just buy an extended warranty that covers accidental damage. For 12 months, it’s over $100 cheaper than the repairs. Downside is we’ll have to wait 30 days to make a claim.

FWIW, I’m also trying to figure out how a screen becomes cracked without some type of accident, misuse or abuse.

Poor quality? I don’t know. Once, my glasses were cracked when I woke up in the morning and they were fine when I put them on the nightstand the night before. It was actually fortunate, because in needing to go the doctor to get a new prescription, we discovered a problem in my right eye that would have gotten really bad had we not caught it.

The bottom line is that there is no way to prove what happened and neither Amex nor Lenovo is disputing my story (until the last guy decided to absolutely step in it). They are just saying that physical damage isn’t covered, to which I respond: prove it. And they can’t, but they still say it isn’t covered.