Non-Political Ranting: Unleash Your Anger ITT

The thing with most these people is there is no reasoning with them. the louder the music is the cooler they think they are and more annoyed you get the happier they get.

The business I work next to has a bunch of assholes who fly into our parking lot every morning blasting music and then they stand outside smoking cigs that blow directly into our business. I guarantee if I complained about it a they’d just be more annoying to screw with me.

ah yes the special brand of assholes

Not that special anymore. I find this kind of asshole has increased in number by maybe 1000x. If you’ll allow me to get all quasi-psychological about it, the root cause for these people is that (like most people) they don’t like feelings of powerlessness. Decent people cope with that in non-destructive ways, but the “provoker” asshole deals with it by bullying wherever they can because for that brief instant where they make you angry, the don’t feel powerless anymore. I feel like the past 8 or 9 years has been a golden age (dark age?) in terms of provoker assholes. The concept underlies basically the entire political power of Trump - his value prop is “if you don’t like elites and your grandkids making you feel stupid and powerless, line up behind me and together we will bullly those that are powerless to stop us”. This sales pitch easily won over 10s of millions of Americans. And when the pandemic happened feelings of powerlessness went through the roof, and 10s of millions more Americans embraced the idea of bullying as a way of pushing aside uncomfortable feelings of powerlessness. The outlook on this front is not good, there are many challenging years and decades ahead not a lot of evidence that I can see that people are going to develop the coping skills to deal with the adversity. When climate change continues to punch people in the face, at least half the population will look for someone they can bully to feel better.


that’s complete bullshit it’s because they’ve always been assholes trump has made it more acceptable to flaunt it

reality is that’s who they are, who they always have been, always will be regardless of anything else.

Isn’t that what I said?

well you said stupid and powerless, which most of those people well they are stupid but they are not powerless. For me, they’re usually toward the top percentile in lifestyle terms.

sure isn’t adversity though, unless you meant adversity from dealing with these assholes but that’s been a constant in human history so that’s irrelevant.

yeah ultimately it seems most humans just want to be in a tribe to bully others which makes them feel better for some reason idk I hate that bullshit. Happened to me many times well before trump running for potus. Needless to say I immediately never spoke to them again cause I ain’t a doormat. Just how humans are and have always been. I also think it’ll probably get worse from here for awhile.


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It seems mathematically impossible for both of these things to be true

Obviously GOP gets a lot of the really rich ones no matter what. The one weird trick is getting large numbers of poorer people to essential vote against their interests.

Filling out my son’s school forms.

“Please enter date”

Ok I’ll do an ISO Date


“Please enter a valid date”

Don’t you live in #1’merica?

He’d be doing it backwards if he was in Europe anyway.

It’s dd-mm-yyyy

Though sometimes the dashes are replaced with dots

EDIT: Actually it appears to vary by country and some like Lithuania are exclusively YMD. Czech Republic is exclusively DMY

It tends to match the way they say dates; the 5th of May just like we say May 5th.

George Washington died on Christmas day so that Americans would never have to enter dates the wrong way, you ignorant bastard.

Receipt checking pissing me off. I just went to Costco and there was two lines of about 12 carts each waiting to get receipts checked to leave the store (probably standard amount) but this is after I did the self checkout and had to wait in a 3 cart line to get my receipt checked just to leave the self checkout bay. And now Fred Meyer (Kroger) here in Portland is checking receipts to leave the store, so the line for that is usually longer in number than the checkout lines. “Welcome to our store! Thank you for your purchase! Prove you are a not a criminal and you can leave cordially.”

There are a lot of people out there where if they don’t fear punishment, they do it and I see some companies appear to have had enough of not prosecuting shoplifters bullshit.

At least Costco’s terms of membership include the receipt check, so it’s something to which you’ve agreed.

People are losing their minds about this in the Toronto area as well. People are already pissed about the outsized impact of inflation on food prices, the receipt checking is going to get someone killed. Grocery rage is the new road rage.

The one off Johnson creek/82nd has been checking receipts out the side door entrance for years now. Fred meyer is now checking all receipts at the main entrance? That has to be a nightmare. I stopped going to that store after I saw a rat run across a food aisle.

I’ve seen them at the FM on SE Hawthorne and 39th and the NE one off Broadway at like 30th. They must use the same security company because they’re all fairly big dudes in “tactical” gear. It’s ridiculous.

Q: what kind of wild animal eats corn on the cob like this?

A: my wife