Non-Political Ranting: Unleash Your Anger ITT

Did you do the bit?

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I was soooo tempted. It was on the way from my brain to my mouth, but I stopped myself because a) I didn’t want to be a Karen, and b) the guy was young enough where I was concerned he wouldn’t get it.

In the parking lot afterward, my wife told me she was thinking about the scene, too.

The substitute car was also the same color as in the scene (but I had to go to a different location to get it).

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Hey if you lose it in a parking garage now that one’s on you

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Ok Grandpa let’s get you to bed.


Considering just having a hobby where I make up bullshit in viral Instagram posts comment sections. I always crack up at these stories where people insert themselves into the situation that seem completely made up.

Hey that’s my cousin! Yeah he said he reacted this way because…

I’m a veterinarian and the horse in this video…

I actually ref youth football games and the rule here…

Mike Trout is the best, one time I saw him at a gas station in Anaheim after a game…

I’m a structural engineer and the load on that wall…

I remember seeing this band front row in 89 before they got huge, met my wife at the show…


I just got an email asking me to download an app. For a sock company.


Get it? RUN TO THE APP. Because they sell running socks. Socks that would be more easily purchased via app.

Seriously in old man yelling at clouds mode right now.

Thats so dumb. I will say, their socks are very good and their warranty is legit. They just replaced a pair I bought over a year ago because one had a hole in it.

Darn it


Most things are an ordeal. I grabbed a head of lettuce earlier, then might’ve spaced off for a minute, and the croutons were right near by. The 1st thing that’s made sense in it seems a thousand centuries.

Just exhausted my unemployment entitlement. I opened an account in my new neighborhood because there’s no US Bank nearby lol

Set my account up and understood that they do these withdrawals from my state-issued credit card lol

Virtually every visit thereafter was an ordeal. I barked some shit about continuing education

I’m fucking exhausted. My partner and I moved in together, which has been an adjustment in many ways but overall is going well. The pain points come in trying to integrate our two cats, which has at times gone well and at other times not. I’m also still trying to empty out the old house, which is taking way longer than I had expected, costing more and in general is just a huge source of stress. Work is going to be intense, I have to rent a dumpster to empty out the final stuff, then hire cleaners and then (finally) get it on the market. I’m basically running using credit cards to pay for shit right now and praying the house sale will go well – except it’s thunderstorms this week, which tends to flood the basement subfloor … I’d like to have some stuff done to the house before selling but I just don’t have the resources. … So it feels like I’m squandering an opportunity, but then again if I could have had all the stuff fixed I wouldn’t sell the house. So right now I’m stuck in at tiny office with a cat that really wants to get out and do battle with the other cat, and the temperature in here is rising, both thermal and emotional. And my editor is out on vacation this week, meaning work is gonna be a shitshow that takes up even more time than usual.


Dumpster fire day. CEO of the company I work for just called a company meeting for today at 1 p.m. Sales have been sliding. … Layoffs are possible, for sure. It probably wont be me in the first round, but it could be.


I assume they want people to use the app. Did they have a link for the app on the homepage? (Maybe not on desktop).

OK I have a radical idea but hear me out, it’ll address multiple issues at once. But first I need to know: would you describe the cats as “skinny” or “meaty”? And are either you or your partner vegetarians?


Partner is vegan … layoffs have begun

Agree, their socks are very good. I just wish they weren’t so expensive.

Yea $18 for one pair is absurd, but they are the only socks I’ve found that don’t give me blisters when playing sports. Worth it for that alone imo.

Sorry for the derail, but I have spent a ton of time trying to find the sweet spot in terms of price/performance with socks. I think I’ve landed on Fitsok as my optimal choice. I especially like these:

The listed price is 3-for-$25, but they’re ~always available with a 40% discount code or more.


At first, I thought this was in response to ElSapo and that you were telling him that he should start using his company’s app to save his job.

I feel you, @ElSapo. My wife has been the victim of merger layoffs, COVID layoffs, and what-not multiple times in the last few years. Fingers crossed for you.