Non-Political Ranting: Unleash Your Anger ITT

What’s the bitrate? Youtube regular is less than the MP3s I have. I did a side by side and the quality was noticeably worse. MP3 is 160. Youtube (recorded with some app) was 128.





search tells me that youtube music premium is 256kbps. otoh, i think for a lot of old records, spotify library is much more extensive.

Can anyone tell if the download apps work on youtube premium? I need to save the songs for my ipod. I drive a lot of places that streaming doesn’t work.

Spotify’s “random” play has been pissing me off. I like the song California Stars too, Spotty, but not every fifth play when choosing from a pool of hundreds of liked songs. It’s also only got seemingly a dozen songs or so it rotates through for suggestions.


yeah you can download videos and audio with yt premium within the app. it’s a little awkward if you do playlists and stuff, but i’ve downloaded 40+ hrs of videos because i was going on a long trip.

Yeah. If you rely in the algorithm entirely it gets very dull.

A Facebook post (I know I know) that has a ton of comments shows one comment underneath it in the feed. Click to expand and read the full comment and it disappears, so you have to wade through 400 others continually clicking “see more” until you find it. What a dumb UI design ugh.

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I’m completing the annual mandatory health survey for my employer. This is the set of options I get for questions like, “How satisfied are you with current health & welfare services at your employer?”:

  • Not at all
  • A little
  • Somewhat
  • Moderately so
  • Very much so

Pretty irritated that I’m spending even a millisecond trying to decide among options 2 through 4. I’m not even sure if I’d sort those options in the same order.

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Bitched to my son about this and he turned it off for me. You turn it off by clicking the shuffle icon. When recommendations are on there’s a 4-pointed star where the tail of the bottom arrow should be.

Twitter links not showing on here (or on SPE) is really annoying.

“Will you see the new Spiderman movie?”

“Is it 15 hours of real-time footage of Spiderman and his piece of shit family and his piece of shit friends getting tortured to death? No? Why, then, would I watch it?”

I get that as an adult striving to have at least some minimal degree of maturity I should recognize that I’m not in any way superior to those who enjoy a popular product that I think is dumb and that me thinking I am, if anything, proves the opposite. Superhero movies are a daily battle for me on that front.

Fwiw, the newest Spiderman movie (I assume you mean Across the Spiderverse) is almost a direct contradiction to the movies you are referencing above, in addition to being a great work of physical art


Spidey gets murked?

Man fuck everyone at the drive through car wash self vacuum area who spends more than 5 minutes there. This place is a magnet for sociopaths who want to abuse the system at others expense. If you’re doing something with your car that isn’t vacuuming or drying missed spots with a small towel, you’re an asshole.

Today there were 2 guys applying tire shine, several people with many nice towels they brought from home, old lady spending 10 minutes wiping down the back gate of her SUV, guys detailing their dashboards, etc.

I don’t think a single person left in the 3-4 minutes it took me to vacuum the sand off my seats and leave, and the lot became full and there was a dude waiting to pull into my stall. Meanwhile every self entitled asshole who thinks a nice car makes them someone has spent 30 minutes there.

So my car broke down for the second time in two weeks. Same symptoms as the first time (I posted about it in the car buying/ownership thread). But this isn’t about the fact that I already spent a bunch of money last week to have it looked at only to have this happen again. This is about AAA.

I made the roadside service call to AAA via app at 8:30pm Thursday night. They told me a tow truck would get to me at 9:57pm. Frustrating that I’d have to wait that long, but fine. Fortunately, the car was in a church parking lot (though it broke down on the road).

I waited with the car. At 9:00pm, I got an automated call saying they’d be out in 56 minutes. At 9:30pm, I got a call saying it would be 26 minutes. Once the tow truck was about 20 minutes late, I called AAA. After being on hold for around 10 minutes, I was told that nobody has even been dispatched to me, but I was now in a high priority queue. Um…excuse me?

I asked for clarification. Apparently, the arrival time I was given and then updated twice was just made up bullshit. It was based on nothing. Nobody was on their way.

Now I’m at home at 11:07pm - I had my wife come get me - waiting for a tow truck driver to call me to let me know he’s on the way. Then I’m sure I’ll have to go with him to the dealership service department and do something with the night drop off.

Update: Midnight and still nothing. I’m calling again.

Update: 12:20am. AAA tried to get hold of the dispatch company or whomever twice and nobody answered. So I guess I’m going to have to hope I can get a tow first thing in the morning on a Friday, unless I magically get a call in the middle of the night.

Update: Finally called a tow truck myself at about 8:30am.

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I use Venmo once every six months, almost always from my computer. I type Venmo into the address bar and go. There’s no link to sign up anywhere on the home page. It’s fucking ridiculous.

You have to click “Get Started” to go to the Sign Up screen, then click the fucking logo, which instead of taking you back to the home page, takes you to the Sign In page. Absolutely atrocious design.

This seems to be happening more and more frequently, where the home page for whatever product or service is just a gigantic sales page, with no link anywhere to sign in for existing customers. I don’t get what the angle/dark pattern is. Like they’re going to trick me into buying internet service twice? Do they literally not realize existing customers can go to the home page too?

Are they maybe trying to train people not to google “Venmo” to get to (like I do) because it costs them money?

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So the next step after finally getting my car to the shop (see above) is I needed to rent a car, as they are going to have mine for quite a while.

I booked one online this morning, went to pick it up, and encountered this situation, even the same size car:


I found out the issue with this. I have my font size on the mac set to one larger than default. At that size for some reason (tablet mode?) all the buttons go away. When I zoom out or change my font size, I see the buttons. Not sure why tablet users wouldn’t want a sign in button, maybe to try to force them onto the app.

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