Non-Political Ranting: Unleash Your Anger ITT

In a year you won’t have to copy/paste anymore, the new Microsoft Office is going to be based on telling an AI to copy paragraph three from one email over to a new email. Its going to be weird for those of us that have been doing Ctrl-C / Ctrl-V forever.

It will probably still change the font a tiny bit, and then not understand what you’re saying when you try to fix it, which will enrage me even more.

Nah. Businesses are super hard-asses on IDs at least when it comes to booze (and apparently cigarettes). In Pennsylvania, the PLCB actually sends in moles to try and buy alcohol without proper ID and they’ll hammer any place with fines or loss of license if they sell it to that mole. They don’t fuck around with that stuff.

Yeah, where I shop the cashiers are required to scan your ID (which felt super weird first time I saw that) or get a manager to override. Absurd when they ID someone 50, 60, 70+

Since my state ID is expired, I’ll have to either use a passport to buy liquor or just not buy it when I go to America. Wonder how they’ll handle a passport if they need to scan it.

I mean I haven’t been checked in America since pre-covid but still.

Should be no problem using a passport.

I am ready to be disappointed or amazed by their AI function in Office. It’s getting piloted with some companies this summer. The early demonstrations I’ve seen of it include stuff like: you open your data in Excel, you prompt the AI to identify trends in Q2 sales through a ChatGPT-style interface box, the AI makes charts out of data, if you like them you can go open PowerPoint and through another AI interface prompt the AI to “make a 4 slide presentation out of this Excel workbook and put it in the style of this other Word document I made last year” and it gets all the fonts and spacing, etc., right. Will it work like that in the wild? I don’t know. But it seems like we might be on the cusp of a change in work that is comparable to when Office got popular in the first place.

Fuck this discovery HBO rebranding. I’m sitting here in Qatar with a 12 hour layover, to be followed by a 14 hour flight, and I can’t access any of the movies I downloaded to my iPad (when I was home) because they replaced their app instead of just updating it. So the old app no longer works and although I can download the new max app, I can’t access any content because they’re not open to this region.

This is really very far from ideal.


It’s like Zaslav is actively trying to bankrupt the company. Everything they do is idiotic.

Yes. But it was funny until it started adversely affecting me. Now it’s tragic.


You went east to get to Singapore? Interesting

Yup. Columbus-Chicago-Doha-Singapore

Also Netflix might be coming up huge with inglorious basterds and godfather 1 and 2 available for download.

Not sure if spidercrab used it, but there’s an opportunity for a free hotel night with a layover in Doha on Qatar Airways.

What the fuck is up with Spotify? App is locking up constantly and providing shitty recommendations that autoplay and I can’t turn it off. Motherfuckers are trying to get me to cancel.

I love how with streaming if I pause for more than 3 minutes, the smart TV and app forget everything and it takes 20 clicks to get back to where I was. So any time I pause, I’m on pins and needles with a clock ticking down in my head to doomsday. Soooooo much superior to that old dinosaur DVR.

Thank goodness we have all tech advances going into job-destroying Skynet Babble Bots. Who needs stuff like making streaming a better experience?

Spotify sucks. I’m transitioning to a combination of youtube with adblocker and CDs lol.

YouTube quality sucks, or is there a music version with better quality?

I’m still running a dinosaur old iPod that connects to my stereo and let’s me control it from the stereo. I think I own the last cable in the world. If this one breaks I’m toast. But I love having my music completely separate from my nav system.

youtube music comes with when you buy youtube premium, but i don’t know if the quality is better

YT premium is a gamechanger. They got me with a 3 month trial. Ditched Spotify.

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I use Napster (lol) and it actually works decently and has almost everything. Not sure if it really matters what service you use but tolerating ads in your music is just insane.