Non-Political Ranting: Unleash Your Anger ITT

TV thing is definitely tilting. Avocado thing is insane lol. Sounds like a Curb Your Enthusiasm bit.


Currently dismayed about the incresing misuse of the term gray market as a synonym for black market. Most obviously all the “gray market” weed shops we have on every block now.

I’m going to guess this is because programmatically the items are all in one big list, and the row length is determined based on the device by a lower level display algorithm (like CSS), meaning it’s hard to communicate back to the higher-level app where the rows broke.

Still unacceptable design and you should legally be allowed to punch the person who greenlit it.

I’m kind of with you on the avocado thing. My one exception is guacamole. I love spicy guacamole. Dislike avocado served any other way.

In that case couldn’t you at least make it go from from the first to the last option (TV to Sony Select) with one left arrow?

Yeah that would be easy.

i dunno man. i’m mumbling ‘aight i’m just gonna squeeze past’ and hop through. if he wants to bump/block/push me or whatever, we’ll see what happens next.

dude’s not bullying me on a fucking escalator lmao

Who among us hasn’t been typing an email in 11 point font, paste something that happens to be in 10 point font, and then want the rest of the email from that half-paragraph onward to remain in 10 point font? It’s just common sense that should be the behavior.

Use Ctrl (Cmd) + Shift + V to paste text only with no formatting.

Formatting and HTML emails are a huge pain. My first “tech” job was working on a email templates and I hated it.


Paste without formatting is a gamechanger.

Where’s that paper clip when you need him?

Jesus Christ. I’ve been super excited to eat at Tortas Fronteras at O’Hare, and every single item has avocado. WTF?

Gonna order one anyway and keep the avocado just to make sure I get my money’s worth.


Update: avocado was a non factor. The food I just got at Tortas Frontera was better than anything I’ve eaten in Columbus since I moved there.

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Going through O’Hare tomorrow around lunchtime…is that in Terminal B?

Yes I’m aware of that. But it’s the stealth pastes, say from one email to another, that you don’t notice until you’re looking at the font like “hmm that one font looks a tiny bit different than the other, and now the rest of my email is 10pt. Thank you Outlook!”

My overall point is there is literally no use case on earth where you’d like for some text you’re pasting in the middle of the second paragraph of your email to change the font size/color/style of the rest of the email going forward. Chat GPT is going to lord over us in a few months, but we can’t get intelligent email pasting rules, ever, apparently.

I believe there are three. Terminals 1, 3, and 5.

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This isn’t a rant, but just a situation where I felt bad for a guy. Wife and I were at Kroger yesterday and an older guy (maybe 60s?) In front of us wanted to buy some cigarillos. Cashier asked for ID. I get it, but he was clearly of age by at least 40 years.

He said he just got a new ID and showed the printout, with photo, that they gave him at the DMV or wherever until his card arrives (this is legit - my daughter just had a printout for a little while when she got her driver’s license). The cashier wouldn’t accept it. She called a manager and they wouldn’t accept it.

Though we’re anti-smoking, my wife and I offered to buy them, but the cashier wouldn’t let us.

Dude cursed a bit, then left.

Cashier, who actually seemed like she felt bad, told us he tried to buy them at self-checkout earlier with and EBT card, though I don’t know what that has to do with this attempted transaction.

I just felt bad for the dude.

That’s depressing

I wonder if it’s just Kroger. Decades ago my wife and her roommate went to Kroger and bought like a weeks worth of groceries and a bottle of wine. They got carded and both produced ID showing they were of age, which they were by a couple of years. Despite that, cashier decided it seemed sus and said they wouldn’t sell them the wine. They just snap walked out leaving half the groceries on the belt and half still in the cart.