Non-Political Ranting: Unleash Your Anger ITT

At risk of missing the joke (this is a rant thread) … the rejection of “thank you/you’re welcome” is a rejection of the dualistic, pay-for-everything, I helped and so you better appreciate it, mentality so many of us were raised with. I don’t need you to thank me for being a decent human (and you dont owe me for it), and that call-response is the gentlest reminder possible that also leaves me standing in integrity.

Kids these days!


This is nice and all, but Game Theory suggests that “tit-for-tit” dynamics are part of the glue that allows people to trust others enough to be somewhat vulnerable.

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I’ve seen it on a yard sign.

The purpose of any response to a thank you should be to close out the interaction, noting that the thanks is sufficient or more than sufficient…

The act was performed, thanks was given, “no problem/no worries” accomplishes that.

If kids these days think thanks/you’re welcome is doing a neoliberal, late-stage capitalism I fucking quit.


“I appreciate you” is a great tool to have in the belt, but it’s excessive as a replacement for thank you. I would think someone was being sarcastic if they said that when I held the door open or whatever.

“Thank you.”
“I appreciate you.”
“I take it back.”


Calling bullshit

Not sure what to tell you. It’s at least ten lifetime (all in the last couple of yrs).

Does your wife text and email you a lot?

If she did, she sure as shit wouldn’t write that.

She does text me more than anyone else, but still not what I would say is a lot.

Good point. That wouldn’t even be close to the mark. No idea where I even came up with that.

Maybe some guy whose salary depends on appeasing you texts and emails you a lot?

I’ve heard it multiple times from dealers in response to a tip. Maybe they were calling me a tightwad. Fuckers.

Oh I wasn’t at all implying that it’s not in wide usage.

No, I don’t have anyone that meets those specifications. I agree it’s fucking weird. I wouldn’t believe me either.

Shit. I go with “thanks, I appreciate it” sometimes to break up the monotony of “thank you John” when the same guy wins multiple pots in a row. Am I making a thank you faux pas?

Not at all. People here seem to think it’s over the top and I have heard that some dealers in one of the rooms I frequent get angry if you only tip $1, so I was joking that maybe they were giving me this treatment:

Getting all worked up over how someone acknowledges my thank you is a waste of time imho.



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Gentlemen. You cant fight in here. This is the complaining about pointless shit room.

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Oh yeah, forget where I was.

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I just realized I have been responding to “thanks” with “yep thanks” right back at people. I only ever say “you’re welcome” to my 3 year old when she says “ thank you” to me.